Ashton ducked down his head slightly and titled to the left so he could lock his mouth to mine. This was what I had been waiting for all day.

His tongue swiped across my bottom lip and I parted them so we could deepen the kiss.

Time seemed to have no meaning when Ashton and I kissed. It was just him and I and nothing else.

Our mouths moved in synchronised ways as we gave each other our delayed "greeting".

We moved from the middle of the room to the wall by the stairs where he pressed my back into the Sheetrock, his lips trailing from my mouth to my neck.

I let my fingers twist and tug on his sandy curls as he assaulted the skin of my neck.

We were both lost in our own little world but the sudden loss of the shower noise caused him to sigh deeply.

"A week was definitely too long to go without kissing you." He leaned his forehead against mine.

"I agree." I said breathless.

I reluctantly slipped from his arms and jogged upstairs to tuck in the child I so loved.

"Night bro." I pushed his hair back to give him a kiss on the forehead.

"Night." He yawned.

I adjusted his blankets just how he liked them and then left his room.

When I got back downstairs Ashton was sat on the lounge flipping through the channels on the tele. His arm was already outstretched on the back of the sofa ready for me to cling to his side and I did so happily.

Ashton was warm and inviting as I curled up next to him, my hand landing lightly on his chest.

"Hi." He he said huskily, turning his head to meet my innocent gaze. My fingers played with the fabric of his shirt as I rested my head on his bicep.

"Hi." I said quietly back.

"Come closer." He pulled on my side with a soft whine to his voice. I obliged and let him adjust me to where he wanted which was on his lap with both of his arms around me.

"Someone is touchy today." I commented with a little giggle and he matched my laugh.

"Shut up, I missed you." He nuzzled his face against my cheek.

"That tickles." I squirmed around and squealed quietly so hopefully Ender wouldn't hear.

"Oh so you're ticklish? Thats nice to know." He winked.

"No, shut up." I pouted but Ashton just pulled me closer to him.

"Don't stick out your bottom lip like that." He said more serious now and I turned to him confused.


"Because it makes me want to do this." Ashton leaned forward and captured my bottom lip with his own, dragging it into his mouth so he could kiss me.

My heart beat picked up and I was sure he could hear it since it was embarrassingly loud but when I let my hand fall limply on his chest I could feel his doing the same.

This made me only more excited and I pressed harder into him, allowing him the freedom to explore my mouth with his own like he had so many times before.

My head felt light and tingly as we kissed but I was aware of the places his skin touched my own and the spark that lingered constantly.

Ashton's hands moved up and down my sides until they landed at my waist. His fingers pressed into the skin and then slid up my back to pull me closer.

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