He hugged me tightly, caressing my back while he kept saying sorry continuously. I think he felt guilty although he didn't need to but this care given by him is so warm. I hugged him back as tears kept running down my face.

"I love you Zanvil" I whispered silently not believing my voice right now.

He breathed out like he was holding it for a long time "I love you too, Lara"

We held onto each other like that for a while before I fell into a deep slumber.


I woke up alone and cold. I looked down and saw that I was wearing one of my t-shirts. I remember I slept naked so I can guess who's doing this. I stood up from my bed and walked into the bathroom ignoring how sore I was. After spending one hour in the bathroom I walked out and wore blue jeans and white crop top before grabbing my phone.

I switched on my phone as my phone flooded with so many notifications of calls and messages. I walked out of my room while checking every message. In a recent message I went in Zanvil's chat to see that he sent me a message this morning.

'Good morning sweetheart. I will come and see you later with a surprise.'

I turned right, after walking downstairs, entering into the living room with a smile reading Zanvil's message. I sent him a reply saying
'Gd mrng darling.'


I lifted my head up when I heard a sound in the room filled with silence. My smile was replaced with a shock as I saw everyone was sitting in the living room with the guest present. And the guest is none other than the Mafia king.

He is looking different. Now he didn't had that big beard and long hair. He looks like his old self with a professional suit.

My father and mother are sitting opposite him. And my brother is sitting beside my father, wearing a white shirt and black pants professionally. Now everyone is looking at me. Zanvil had his phone in his hand as he smirked at me.

Now I'm wondering, is this the same man who spoke to me lovely and romantically last night.

I'm feeling embarrassed and awkward right now as everyone looked at me like I'm some intruder.

"Come and sit, Lara." My father said sternly.

Before I moved from my place, Zanvil stood up and started walking towards me. I looked at him like he was insane as he stood beside me, taking my hand in his. Now we both are facing my family and the three of them looked at us with a frown.

"I came here for Lara Mr Charlotte. I want to marry her. So, I -"

"BULLSHIT" My brother stood up from his place looking angry. Before he said anymore my father stood up.

"Zanvil. The reason I'm speaking to you calmly right now is because of my friendship with your father. And my answer to your confession is no. I will never give my daughter away with you." He said and Zanvil's grip tightened in my hand.

Before they anger him more, I step in front of him. "Dad, I like him and I want this too."

My brother and mother looked at me shocked while my father looked at me with disappointment. "Lara. You don't know anything. He can't even protect you, how did you trust him. Did he say anything about our deal?"

"What deal?" I asked with confusion.

"When I came to see you, you were supposed to come with me. But he said that he can protect you there. Then we made a deal that I will bring you here if something happened to you. I know that something is going on between you two that's why I did that. Now I know he can't protect you, so I will never approve of this." He motioned his fingers between us angrily.

Now it makes sense. Why did he behave so overprotective back then. He didn't want me to leave.

"Dad, what happened that day is not his fault. And we love each other, so you have to approve of this or I will leave this house with him right now." I said boldly while my eyes were begging him.

"Are you sure you want this? You can leave this lifestyle like you desire, Lara. If you marry him, your life will only be surrounded by guns and blood forever." My brother came forward speaking to me.

"I'm sure about one thing brother, I will never regret anything that involves Zanvil." I looked at Enzo then my father, giving him a pleading look.

I can feel Zanvil is staring at me but I didn't turn around. My eyes glued to my father waiting for his answer.

"I may hurt her unintentionally but I will never make her regret this decision Mr Charlotte" Zanvil said gently.

"You both have my blessings." We all turned our heads to my mom.

She came towards my father with a smile and placed her hand on his shoulder. My father sighed as they both looked at each other for a few seconds, like they were speaking with eyes.

"I'll talk with Damon about marriage preparations." He said to Zanvil before walking away.

"Thank you Mrs Charlotte." Zanvil said and my mother smiled. "Just call me Angela and now I will go and look at him. You guys carry on." She also went in the direction of my father.

"Well, congrats on your future sister." Enzo hugged me before looking at Zanvil.

"I trust you because of her, Zanvil. If you dare to hurt her, then I will hunt you down." He threatened him which looks a little scary.

"I will never." He said without emotion before my brother walked away with a nod.

I turned around to him when we left alone. He is already looking at me with a soft smile. "I am very excited for our marriage, darling." I smirked.

His smile was replaced with lust as he tugged me closely by my waist. Our lips rubbed as he whispered "Say it again."

"Darling." I whispered as he slammed his lips on mine before kissing me with passion.


                        THE END


But wait for the Epilogue..

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