O40| A Series of Unfortunate Events.

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You turned to look at Yoongi, "what type of vicious beasts have you dated before?"

"None as cute as you" he answered, making you bashful easily.

"Kill me" groaned Jungkook.

"Keep up that attitude and we won't help you get Nova" Yoongi teased.

You laughed, "Jungkook likes Nova," you sang, reaching across from you to hit him on the shoulder. "Look at you, all grown up," you teased again, "you're so cute."

"I never said I liked her--back off" he went to swat at you and you pulled back laughing.

"You don't need to, I can tell" you settled back beside Yoongi, "I'm psychic like that, I know when people like people."

"Did you know hyung liked you?" Jungkook asked as if to challenge you.

"Yes of course, yes."

"No you didn't" Yoongi challenged this time.

"Dude" you turned to him, "the first time we met you bought me a drink, then proceeded to stalk me to my work place, then flirt with me that entire night we were at Seokjin's bar. Yes I did-- also it's just basic girl instinct. Like a sixth sense or something, we just know."

"Yeah I wasn't subtle at all," Yoongi smiled, "but if that's the case, Kook, that means Nova already knows."

"I will jump out of this train right now," deadpanned Jungkook.

"No need to attempt suicide," you laughed, "Nova is one of those special girl exceptions, she's so smart but weirdly completely oblivious to her surroundings. We've always wondered how she's gotten through life without getting mulled by a bear or something."

"Look at you getting lucky" Yoongi grinned, clearly finding a lot of joy in teasing the younger man. "You're also lucky that you have Y/n here to tell you how to get her, she knows Nova more than anyone so use her knowledge."

"Oh yeah" Jungkook smiled, "you're not useless after all."

"No I'm not" you mirrored his expression, "I'm so useful actually, I can be the first one to tell you that you have nooooooo shot with her."

Both men's pleasant expressions dropped, "what?" they chorused in the same despondent tone.

"Is this because he called you useless? He didn't mean it, right Jungkook?"

"Not anymore" Jungkook frowned.

"It's not because he called me useless, I'm only sensitive to insults regarding my appearance" you raised a hand to stop them. "I'm saying that because while you do have a good start, y'know you're cute, and tall and muscular her exact type, you're nineteen she's twenty one. Nova has never dated a guy her age much less younger, if you really want to get with her you have to work really hard."

"But I'm cute" he argued.

"I agree" you nodded.

"I have a nice smile" he added again, showcasing his smile, "see?"

"I do see," you nodded again.

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