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Both alias and kane had quickly and quietly entered in the abandoned factory-warehouse structure's grounds.

Without being seen or harming anyone around the Structure's grounds as much as possible.

Due to not risking both the target and innocent people inside of the abandoned factory-warehouse structure.

To be placed under great danger, as well risk losing their chance to speak and bring back their target with them alive.

Both Alias and kane were behind some  cover they could both find and properly use to remain unnoticed from the guards outside of the structure.

As much as both alias and kane truly dislike being in complete Stealth and not risk being noticed by anyone at all.

They did not have any other option, nor could approach their target without causing both attention towards them.

And leave any scenes in the area to be both trace and Telegraph by anyone at all.

such as news networks news Channels and unwanted witnesses.

Despite possibly having hostages inside of the abandoned factory-warehouse structure.

Alias does not care about their safety or Well-being, nor has any positive thoughts in mind for any of them either.

Kane was close behind alias, following him in every step of the way.

Both wolf and lizard man had kept their guard up at all times.

And kept their senses and awareness constantly active.

when proceeding further outside of the abandoned factory-warehouse structure.

Despite the odds and difficult situation of the manner.

As well the fairly high security enforcements of the abandoned factory-warehouse structure.

Such as the number of guards outside of the structure.

both patrolling and keeping lookout for any unwanted people around the abandoned factory-warehouse Structure area.

Being in the middle of the night, there is almost complete darkness all around the area.

except for several light sources, such as flashlights.

as well some light-sources nearby from around the entire abandoned factory-warehouse structure.

Alias and kane had used the darkness to their advantage, both for hiding and watching the guards moments  Undetected.

Alias and kane both knew that they could easily eliminate the guards outside of the factory-warehouse structure With little time and effort.

However it was not the best course of action, nor they could Afford the risk of losing their target, while they were under attack by the guards.

Alias had detest the feeling of hiding and remaining quietly at the same time.

While both alias and kane were capable of Stealth and eliminating their enemies without being seen or heard by anyone.

They did not have any great fondness of letting their enemies live.

and approaching both the target and mission through like a pack of pray, instead of being powerful and deadly predators.

As much as they dislike the feeling of not truly hunting and ending their targets with extreme prejudice.

As well moving though the area like a pray being hunted by a Predator.

They know the risk of causing Chaos and heavy damage throughout the entire area of the abandoned factory-warehouse structure.

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