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In a world where animals that had evolved from their nomadic and ancient ancestors, Had evolved beyond their ancestors of old. One of the two races. Was still Related to their ancestors. From Paw to Instincts. They can stand on two paws and hoofs. Wearing clothes, Understanding many types of Machinery and Techniques in life. They are known as the Aninoids. And their homeland is known as Motarraia.

The other race of Animals. Is known as the Terrians. They are the evolved race, That had long since passed beyond their Biology. And animal Ancestors' ways. They wear clothes But do not have paws or hoofs. Their Bodies, Heights, and Features have changed since their great Evolution. From their ancient Beast ancestors. the Terrian's homeland is known as Terinia.

The Aninoids and Terrians do not see eye to eye. Due to many differences in life and order. the Terrians believe in order. They are a Republic Nation. while the Aninoids believe in freedom. Were there no order, But still had a Government and Democracy. were they still inheriting their ancestor's ways and instincts, from their ancient animal ancestors. but still live in a civilized and modern world.

Because of their differences of opinions, and way of life. the Aninoids and Terrians had been somewhat conflicted with each other. Neither races do not, nor share any territories. or resources from each other. for many generations, they had lived somewhat peaceful and reasonable lives. from both the free Aninoids democracy and the Terrian Republic of order.

But a Storm of Chaos, and a shadow that was fated to come into the world of life and order. was to be Unleashed in the coming fire.

In a university called, Mallika University. is home to many classes for law, engineering, Economy, Science, and much more. It's one of the main universities in a city, known as Sorinia. the capital city of Terinia. the city is a massive metropolis and an Advanced city, that Stretches in a very far Length of the land.

The city has many buildings of steel and glass, that reach great heights and a wide range of space from each other. with many advanced features. such as Fountains that reach great heights. As well as many streets, stores with security measures, large monitor screens, and much more.

The Uiversity of Mallika. is a very large and wide Building. many of the people that attend there are in their early adulthood and studying for their futures and lifestyle, that they wish to follow.

The campus is filled with many different races of animals. mammals, reptiles, birds, aquatics, insects, amphibians and Primates. the animal kingdoms that are under the Terrian Republic, are known as the Terran Alliance. which has come together in a united union of a republic.

They were reading books, speaking to one of the others, and resting after a long and difficult day of classes. many of the students were just minding their own business. then suddenly, an explosion erupted, and many of the students were harmed by the bast.

There was a large dust cloud. many of the students' hearings were ringing, they could not see or hear anything around them. a few seconds later, their hearings had returned slowly. the first thing that they all could see and hear. Were the students screaming and running for their very lives, because of gunfire.

Five mysterious arm shooters. were opening fire on innocent university students. they walked and fired on any Terrian people, that they could see in their line of sight. many of the surviving students were running with their very lives. the shooters were eliminating many innocent people, that stood in their way. they entered the university and raked havoc within its hulls and classes.

Many innocent students and professors were heavily injured, or even killed. when the report that there was a shoot-out in the University of Mallika.

the law enforcers, as well as an anti-terrorist strike team, had arrived. they barricaded and surrounded the University of Mallika.

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