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In the metropolitan city of Galeria, one of the many large cities of the Terrian Republic, deep within the nation of terinia.

Is one of the main cities of both Industrial works and civil daily lives for all citizens, that lives within the massive city of Galeria.

The city of Galeria is very large, that Stretches throughout the landscape, as well many tall and large buildings as well, made of glass, steel, well crafted marbles of stone and heavy granite stone as well.

The city of Galeria also has many nature and open areas as well, such as large parks, tall trees that reaches great heights, large river streams that flows throughout both the city and landscapes.

Within the many Districts of the city, there was many large fountains, large plazas that has many stores and activities, such as Exercises, Bicycle ridings, daily routines and simply just passing the times.

Being a large city, it has many traffic roads that have often been crowded by vehicles, such as small to large cars, as well motorcycles alike.

There are many different kinds of animals, from worm to cold blooded, fur to completely furless beings, scales to feathered beings with wings, land to ocean beings, and so much more.

The Terrian Republic is massive with a united race of animals, that had far evolved pass from their ancient ancestors, from standing in four legs, that once had paws and hoofs, that evolved in standing in two legs and having hands.

Unlike the aninoids, a race of evolved animal races, that maintain certain appearances and characteristics from their ancient ancestors, such as standing in two legs, but maintained hoofs and paws.

The Terrians had evolved beyond passed both their ancestors and the aninoids alike, they don't have certain animal characteristics, such as standing in four and certain Instincts, but retain certain characteristics, such as smell and abilities.

The Terrian Republic is very Advanced in technology and government systems, as well being a powerful military force and civil community alike.

Galeria is one of many large and marvellous Cities, throughout the nation of terinia, a large and powerful country, that is home to the Terrian Republic.

Within the streets of Galeria, there are many daily citizens that are walking and fulfilling their daily lives and careers, as well living life to the fullest.

Many civil citizens were currently working or simply moving along, without a care in the world, as well simply living their daily lives as well.

The buildings within the city of Galeria, are very tall in both height and mass, that reaches great skyscrapers levels, from pointed to rounded building designs.

Within the city streets, there are many Terrian citizens that are walking throughout the city's districts, there are many different kinds of animal species, that are both walking and minding their own personal business.

One in particular, was walking though the city's street, carrying a briefcase with him.

The man with the briefcase, is a lion man in his thirties, he is a light yellow-gold fur color, with a black maine hair color and with a medium long neck-length ponytail and black goatee beard and light green eyes.

He is wearing a white long-sleeved button shirt, with a black top suit with silver vertical lines in the ribcage sides, black long-sleeve pants with black wingtip shoes with gray laces.

The lion man was walking though the crowd of Terrian citizens of the city, passing through everyone in his path, as well moving though several city areas, such as one district to another.

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