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Many years has passed, since the war had first begun between the Terrian Republic and the aninoids Democracy.

A war that had brought death and chaos throughout the two massive and powerful nations.

A war between two animal nations, that had evolved and surpass their ancient nomadic ancestors.

A war that can only end, whoever is the strongest and more advanced technological nation.

As well who was mightier and more determined to win the war, for their home nations and for their peoples.

In the complete night, their was a aninoid base, they were setting everything up for battle against the Terrain alliance, they were about to move out, then three strange figures appeared and blocked their path.

The mysterious figures are three Terrain men, one is a black on blood red wolf man, that is wearing a blood red coat with black pants, combat boots, and two gloves with his left hand having open finger holes, he has blood red Stripes on his head and has red eyes.

A the one on his left side, is a tall bald eagle man, he has dark brown and some black, a white head with a short ponytail, yellow hook beak and silver eye color, he has black wings on his back with white Feathers, he is wearing a dark blue short sleeve jacket with a silver zipper and white on the middle, black pants with white lines on the sides and bird Tallon boots with battle claws, some with his glove hands as well.

The one on the right side, is a large komodo dragon man, he is greenish-gray with some white on the middle parts of his front body parts, he has many black tribal tattoos on his body as well, he has purple eyes and is wearing a dark red sleeveless shirt with a black short sleeve jacket on top, that is half way open and has a silver zipper and dark purple lines on the middle that reaches the neck area, black pants with dark brown combat boots.

They were armed with large and strange weapons, the wolf was carrying two large pistols, the left pistol was white with a blood red wolf figure running, leaving a red mist behind, the right pistol is black with with a dark blue dragon, that is a serpent and has skeleton parts, such as part of it's face, one of it's arms, and tail end.

He also has a very long and large black bladed nodachi sword, with razor Sharp saw teeth with a blood red line on them, the guard on the Handle, has a open mouth dragon figure that connects the blade, and the actual handle resemble a spine of a dragon, and has a sharp dragon tail end on the pommel.

He also has two rifles on his back, one is a black on red Assault rifle with chinesaw bayonet attached to it, the blades are a sharp diamond cut edge saw teeth, with a large and long magazine.

The other rifle is a full automatic silver on black shotgun, that has a large and long blade on the end of both sides of the barrel, and a long and large magazine.

The eagle man is carrying a full automatic black on dark blue protection rifle, that is also a sniper rifle without a scope on, he also is carrying a silver sup machine gun with large and long Piercing projectiles nails, he also has four swords on his top wings.

The komodo dragon man, is carrying a large and heavy dark green machine gun, that is also a full automatic shotgun with a battle axe blade on the stock area of it, he also has a sand color grenade launcher, and a massive tomahawk axe on his back.

The three Terrain men, was standing in front of the aninoids, with a cold and dark expressions, the aninoids were pointing their weapons on them, the terrian men did not reacted to the weapons that were Pointed at them, they simply Stared at them.

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