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Blaire's POV.

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows over the landscape, giving an eerie ambiance to the overgrown surroundings. School had ended for the day, I now walking alone at the pathway that led to my secret haven,  André has something to take care of but it's okay, I craved a few moments of me time to escape the chaos of my surroundings.

As I approached the entrance of the partial ruined structure, the air grew heavy with a mix of excitement and familiarity. I had stumbled upon this forgotten sanctuary years ago, and it had  become my protection from distress, my sanctuary from the pressures of everyday life. A place where I could embrace my true self and let my mind wander freely.

Pushing aside a rusted metal door, I stepped into the dimly lit interior. The air was musty and filled with a blend of decay and nostalgia. Broken glass crunched under my feet as I cautiously made my way through the derelict space. The walls were covered in layers of peeling wallpaper, and dust motes danced in the thin beams of sunlight that managed to penetrate the cracks in the roof.

I found a spot near a cracked window and settled onto an old wooden bench, relishing the creak it emitted beneath the weight. This place is quite far away from the town and is isolated from the main road, I took out my phone and took selfies of myself and anything aesthetic.

The peaceful solitude enveloped me, and I closed my eyes, breathing in the stillness. This was my escape, my opportunity to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with my own thoughts.

Lost in my own reverie, I was abruptly jolted back to reality by a distant, when I heard and anguished scream, the desperate cry cut through the silence, shattering the tranquil bubble I had created around my self. Curiosity fiddle me as I instinctively jumped to my feet.

The scream seemed to echo from somewhere nearby, carried by the wind through the decaying walls of the this building. My mind raced, my instincts urging me to investigate, to find out whoever it was. I hurried toward the sound, navigating the labyrinthine hallways with urgency.

Each step brought me closer to where the screams. The pleas grew louder, more desperate, intertwining with my own racing heartbeat. Thoughts of danger flashed through my mind, but the impulse to help overwhelmed my fears. I pressed on, my determination fueled by empathy and a sense of responsibility.

My footsteps echo as I explores the abandoned rooms. Curiosity outweighs my fear as I searches for any signs of life or remnants of the building's past. Suddenly, I hears a muffled sound coming from a nearby room.

“What was that?” I whispered. I followed where the sound is coming from.  I arrived at a door ajar, revealing a flickering light from within. Pushing it open, I entered a small room where the screams seemed to be originating. My eyes widened as I took in the scene before her.

A figure, disheveled and clearly distressed, cowered in a corner. I gasped from shock when I recognized who that figure is, It's a fellow student from my school, Elise. “B-blaire?” she muttered, her tear-streaked face was etched with fear and pain. Her body is covered with bruises and wounds, her face is almost unrecognisable from the stain of bloods and swollen eyes. Beside her is her unconscious parents whom I thought just went into hiding. 

Without hesitation, I knelt beside them, "What happened to you? And who did this?" My voice gentle but firm. I kept it quite as much as possible, afraid the someone might hear me.

"No! Go away, he will kill you" She muttered pushing me away.

“I am not going” I held her hands stopping her from pushing me. “tell me what happened”

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