Chapter 6

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"Tie them down" Rufus instructed. 

Elfman got some rope and tied their hands and legs to the infirmary beds.

"I'm starting with the Salamander, is that okay" he asked formally. 

Master nodded and motioned for everyone to leave. Once everyone was gone, Rufus looked down at the squirming body of Natsu.

"Oh memories, how they bring such pain, and yet, they also bring the happiest moments" he called. 

He put his hands on the salmon haired boys head "I am sorry"

Pretty soon, the infirmary was filled with blood curdling screams coming from the Dragon's mouth and pretty soon words started to escape from his mouth, but they came out garbled and barely comprehendible.

"L...OOSHHEE" he screamed, trying to form a word. His back was bending above the mattress. 

His screams got even louder as each minute passed, heat rushed through his body at tremendous temperatures.  After the pain got so dreadful, Natsu's body and mind had shut down.

Rufus looked at all the mages who had passed out from the pain, he rubbed his 

temples and walked out. Romeo was standing in the doorway "How are they doing" he asked. Rufus nodded "They just need rest, how are the games doing?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Romeo looked to the ground "Fairy Tail won" he said quietly, trying not to flaunt his guild's victory. Rufus nodded "Sabertooth was in last place to begin with, but I do not recall the moment we became so weak" he looked up at the teen "Be prepared for next year, Romeo of Fairy Tail. I do recall that win" he smirked.

Romeo smiled "Sure, and thank you so much"

Rufus nodded his head and walked out.


Natsu's mind was everywhere all at once, it was reaching everywhere far and wide. 

He saw a thousand images at once and even twice as many memories. A fire burned within his veins, filling each of his cells with tiny fragments of fire. He could see, hear, smell, touch, and taste everything around him, but he could really only see one thing. One person. One girl. One love.  He saw her eyes, he saw her smile and he could hear her voice. 

Suddenly, everything came at the speed of lightning, every memory of everything he has ever known and love, he saw Lucy, Happy and Igneel, he saw Erza and Gray (Though he was a little displeased at the thought of that.) 

Every single thing rushed into his mind and his eyes opened and his body sprung from its place on the bed. He started to pant and his head pounded inside of his skull. His started to scream without any will over it and his head was pounding within his skull.

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