Chapter 3

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Natsu woke up; his eyes itched and hurt as he tried to open them. He coughed a few times, each cough hurt like knives cutting him. Once his eyes finally adjusted, he scanned the room he was in, it was large, but was incredibly dark so he couldn't see too much. His arms and legs were chained to the wall and his mouth was covered. 

He struggled to get out of them but they had a magic nullifying spell on them.

He tried to move, but he couldn't. He tried to scream, but he couldn't. He tried to see farther than ten feet in front of his eyes, but he couldn't. Never in his life had he felt so exposed, so helpless, but he had more important things to worry about. Natsu couldn't sense her presence, he couldn't even smell her. He tried calling out to her, but the only things that came out sounded like muffled screams of fury. Where was she, was she even still alive?

Lucy woke up to small and barely audible screams. She looked around to see where they could possibly be originating from, but she realized who the screams belonged to as soon as she looked around, they were her own. What had happened? One minute she was on the train, and all of the passengers turned to smoke, then a little boy tackled her then started crying once she screamed, then all this dust came in and they fainted. Was that it? Were they back in the guildhall, getting taken care of right now? Or were they in some sort of trouble? 

Her arms and legs started to ache, the longer and harder she tried to get out of the cuffs, the more they left indents in her skin, but she continued to thrash around, trying to be free. After an hour of thrashing around, Lucy was about to accept defeat and give up and to wait for her inevitable doom, but she saw a bright light explode through the room.

"Lucy Heartfilia?" It asked, the voice was soft and sweet (and not one that you would expect to come from a psychopath.)  Lucy picked up her heavy head and looked at the girl, she tried to nod but in the end, the feat was too incredulous of a task. The girl walked over and undid the cuffs. Lucy fell with a large thump, bringing up a large cloud of dust and sand with her. The girl bent down and grabbed Lucy's arm with such a force that she had felt a few veins pop in the process. 

"Scum" the girl said, her tone or attitude was never changing, it remained soft and sweet. The girl hoisted Lucy up and began to drag her across the room.

"Come, Scum. We have a game to play" she said cheerfully "It's to see how well you can say goodbye"

Erza was the last of her comrades to be dragged into the large jail cell. A large man dragged her in and pushed her inside, immediately locking the doors in the process. 

Erza gathered the last of her strength just to scowl at the foes that had dragged her and her teammates into this situation.

"W-what are you doing" she managed to get out. 

The man who had dragged her into the room laughed, "We cast a spell to neutralize your magic, it drains your magic power every time you move...that's why your all so weak right now." He bellowed.

Erza glared "Why? I had asked why. NOT WHAT" She yelled.

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