Pie by Sarah Weeks

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Lizzie stood in front of her vanity as she leaned over putting her earrings in. Jo walked up giving Lizzie a little squeeze on her backside. Lizzie stood up quickly squealing at her wife. Lizzie turned looking her wife over. Lizzie took a step forward she pulled her wife's loose dress tight across her bump, "There she is."

"She's kicking," Jo smiled bringing Lizzie's hands to her belly. "She likes your voice,"

Lizzie smiled before she leaned down kissing Jos belly, "I love her so."

When Lizzie removed her hands Jo looked at herself in the mirror, "How pregnant do I look?"

Lizzie smiled, "You look just perfect to show her off or tuck her away."

"God im going to have to suck in." Jo groaned,

Lizzie kissed her head, "Not for long," Jo nodded

The couple walked into the backroom of one of their favorite restaurants. Jo had rented out the whole back room and part of the front dining room so the large group of friends could have privacy. Their family of course knew Jo was pregnant the people they were with tonight were all close friends they wanted to tell in person. They all so happened to be mostly Marvel people and said Marvel people happen to have an annual dinner. Jo and Lizzie sat towards the middle of the room as people talked and laughed. Compass Gin was poured and Jo once again found herself using her magic skills to pass off water shots as gin. When the time came and the food was being eaten Jo gently tapped her glass bringing attention to herself, "We have an announcement to make." Jo smiled at Lizzie, "We are very happy and very sad to tell you that we will be moving to London in two weeks so that Lizzie can finish her newest movie." Jo took a deep breath before Lizzie spoke,

"But I am really here to brag about Jo and a project she's been working on for the last 20 weeks. This has been such a project of love and I have watched with immense pride and love as Jo has moved through life while growing this real- real uhm," Lizzie started to tear up, "I have just really adored these last 20 weeks of watching Jo. She is without a doubt the most amazing woman I know."

"Well, what's this new project?"

"When is it coming out?"

Jo had tears welling up as her voice caught in her throat. She took a deep breath, "Baby Olsen coming October 2027." The room grew silent as Jo smoothed out her shirt dress revealing her bump. Jo and Lizzie flinched as their ears were bombarded with shouts and cheers of congratulations.

One Week Later...

"Next up known for her role as the Scarlet Witch now here to promote her new film Pie please help me welcome the three-time Emmy winner Elizabeth Olsen!" Elizabeth walked out onto the soundstage as the crowd clapped and cheered, Jimmy gave her a hug, "Welcome,"

"Thank you!" she smiled as she took a seat, "Hello everyone,"

Jimmy sat down excitedly, "I have lots I want to discuss but first we have to talk about Pie,"

"Yes of course," Lizzie smiled,

"Can you tell me about it?"

"Well, it's based on Sarah Weeks' book with the same title. It takes place in the 50s and it's about this young girl Alice played by Amelie Dallimore-"

"You've worked with her before right?"

"Yes," Lizzie nodded, "She played my daughter on Love and Death," there were some cheers from the audience as she continued, "Alices Aunt Polly is this legendary pie maker so when my character Aunt Polly passes she does the very smart things and leaves her recipes in her will to her cat. Alice and her best friend Charlie played by one of my TV sons Julian Hilliard and how they find these recipes while also avoiding everyone else also in the town trying to get these recipes before the big pie baking competition."

"And they lived happily ever after." - WandaWhere stories live. Discover now