(11 Weeks) First Time Hiding in a Crowd

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Jo walked around the edge of the barrier fences at Trafalgar Square. She had a camera around her neck as she took photos of all the commotion of the cosplay people dressed as Wanda and Stephen. Jo looked out into the crowd spotting the twin's stroller. Keesha was standing off to the side rolling the stroller back and forth. The twins were on the same bugaboo frame they were on yesterday but the bassinets were replaced by their car seats to disguise the stroller in case the pap from yesterday was present. The car seats were wrapped in tan car seat covers so no one could see Bettan and Addie. Jo knew how nervous Lizzie was for this event. They were going to make a surprise visit, take a few photos and interact with fans. Jo was easily spotted in her jeans and a retro button-down. "Hey, Josephine!"

Jo whipped her head to see a group of fans Jo walked back until her hip was braced against the rail, "What up?" she smiled,

"Can you tell us about Liz?"

Jo laughed, "You know how amazing you all think she is?" they all nodded hanging onto Jos every word. "Multiply that by about a thousand,"

Before they could keep talking the crowd's energy shifted as Sam Raimi, Benedict Wong, Benedict Cumberbatch and Elizabeth Olsen walked into the square. Jo had seen her wife in the suit that morning but even still she found herself gasping at the beauty of her wife. Jo stayed by the rale just watching the group. Her job was to take pictures but she knew those weren't the ones she wanted. Soon the group started walking around Benedict Wong was the first one to come toward her. She raised her camera snapping a few photos of Wong.

 She raised her camera snapping a few photos of Wong

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Wong walked close to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "It is good to see you, Josephine,"

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Wong walked close to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "It is good to see you, Josephine,"

"It's good to see you too," Jo smiled,

"I gotta go talk to fans,"

"And I have to take pictures," Jo smiled,

"I'll see you soon,"

"See you, Wong,"

The exchange was fast and short As soon as Wong was turned from Jo she turned her attention to Benedict. She snapped his photo several times. He was a great guy from helping her wife off the mirror triangle to fist-bumping a fan she knew he would take care of her wife just like Paul did.

"And they lived happily ever after." - WandaWhere stories live. Discover now