(7 Week) First Time Meeting His Namesake

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I felt the need to say this today for some reason. I check my PM/DM every day if anyone ever needs anything. To the few of you who have reached out for any reason, it has been an honor and privilege to talk with you and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I plan on putting messages like this at the end of most chapters because it is true!

You are important.

Your life has a purpose.

You matter in this world.

You are not disposable.

You matter to me.

This world would not be that same without you in it.

Your past does not define you.

Your mistakes do not define you.

Your family does not define you.

Your self-worth is more than the money you have, the clothes you wear, and what you look like.

I love you so much and I would be very sad if you were not here.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled program,

7 Weeks Earlier

Lizzie and Jo sat side by side on the hospital bed each with a baby in their arms. "Should we tell him names?"

Lizzie looked up at her wife "He is kind of named after him,"

"Yeah but I think it would be so much better to see him blubber in person,"

Lizzie gave her wife the look "You are diabolical,"


"I kinda want to see him in person too,"

Present Day...

There was a knock on the door. Lizzie slipped off the island chair making her way towards the front door. Lizzie opened the large wooden door with a bright smile on her face "Paul!"

"Lizzie!" he wrapped his arms around Lizzie. Jennifer stepped in behind him with a bag in hand. When Paul released Lizzie, Lizzie gave Jennifer a hug "Where are the three kids?" Paul asked,

Lizzie let out a light chuckle, "They are this way,"

Jo was sitting in the living room the large glass wall was open making the inside and outside seem like one space. She was sitting on the floor next to the twins as they lay on their play mat. Paul came trotting into the room before he walked over to Jo. Before Jo had a chance to get up Paul had his hands under Jo's armpit pulling her up on her feet. He turned Jo and put pressure under her arms Jo wrapped her legs around his waist and wrapped her arm around her neck. Paul patted Jos back "Wow look how big this baby is!"

Jo thumped him in the back of the head before everyone began laughing. Jennifer squatted down beside the twins "May I?"

Jo hopped down grabbing the hand sanitizer. Paul and Jennifer both started cackling as they rubbed their hands "You two are such first-time parents," Paul snorted,

"Do you want to hold my babies?" Jo turned, and Paul instantly shut up. "Sit." Jo pointed to the couch. Paul backed himself up until he was stung down. Jennifer chuckled at her husband. Her big bad 6'3" husband was being bossed by a 5'8" 31-year-old woman. Jennifer sat down as Jo squatted down handing a baby to her.

"Oh my goodness," Jennifer cooed, "Who is this?"

"That is baby girl Olsen," Jo handed Paul her son "And this is baby boy Olsen."

"And they lived happily ever after." - WandaWhere stories live. Discover now