The Beginning and The Ending

Start from the beginning

"Whats your problem?" He asks the man who has his hand on his sword.

"I know what you did. You digust me Martyn. " He spits out angrily at the man with a red streak of hair in front of him.

"I have no clue what you're talking about or who you are, now get out of my way." Martyn says, trying to push past him, but he doesn't budge.

"My name is Hypno, and im not letting you get away with what you did. The bells were rung." He says with a grip on Martyns arm

"I have bad hearing, i guess." Martyn mutters, shaking out of Hypno's grip and walking past.

"Don't ignore me." Hypno says, pulling out his sword to really get Martyn's attention

"What do you want, a duel?" Martyn, who is annoyed, now pulls out his sword
with a smirk on his face.

"Not here, not now." Another man says, grabbing onto Martyn's arm and dragging him up the stairs to the castle.

"Fine, il see you another time." Martyn says, putting his sword away as Hypno does the same, staring straight into his eyes.

"Stop getting into fights Martyn, you need to be over here." The man tells him off as they reach the top where the others are.

"The king has told me to negotiate peace. We don't want to take your kingdom. We want to work together." Scott says to Ren, who is still pretty angry.

Bdubs whispers in his ear, most likely telling him to agree to the deal of peace.

"Fine. i will agree to your peace deal, but i want your soldiers to leave the kingdom as soon as possible." Ren says, holding out his hand.

"Our soldiers will leave, but every piece of land you own outside of these walls is ours now, and from now on, we will prosper together as one." Scott smirks, holding out his hand.

Ren puts his hand down, not wanting to give away the land outside of the walls, the land he worked so much to take.

"Would you not like to be known as the king to finally bring peace to the lands? You'd be the most respected king the land has ever seen." Scott triee tempting him with glory.

"Fine, you won the war. You may as well get something for it." Ren reluctantly puts out his hand again, meeting hands with Scott and finalising the deal they had made.

"Then the war is finally over. It was good fighting with you." Scott smiles as he takes his hand away before turning around.

"Will i tell the rest of the soldiers to leave the walls?" Martyn asks the other man who is standing with them.

"Yes, right away." The man says as his yellowish wings span across a distance of nearly three people.

"Yes, sir." Martyn says, laughing a little as he begins to walk down the steps from the castle, feeling the citizens glare at him.

He spots the man called Hypno from earlier talking with the other man he delivered the letter to, as they both look at him with anger in their eyes suddenly, he can't help but get a little scared.

"You saw him?" Xb asks Hypno after hearing what he had done.

"Yeah, as clear as day, it was an execution." Hypno spits out, making sure Martyn can feel his eyes on him.

"He's one of the more known warriors around here. He's the only reason they won this war, pure brutality along with a pretty good tactical brain, certainly a force to be reckoned with." Xb says about one of the only men he's actually scared of.

"You know everyone dont you Xb." Hypno asks, slightly confused as to why Xb has so much knowledge of people.

"I guess so, i have friends everywhere who tell me things." He shrugs, patting Hypno on the back before leaving.

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