"You don't look like monsters," Jade said and sighed, fiddling with one of the many rings around her fingers.

"All of us are monsters," he replied, looking down.

"Frank is not a monster. Don't be cruel," she replied and Zeth laughed.

"He's a Rubinstein, of course he is, but not because of his prosthesis," Zeth whispered, but his face showed guilt, "We all told Frank that his condition wasn't his fault and that he wasn't a monster because of that, but he insisted on joining the group and pretending to be the monster that Mary Shelley wrote about years ago."

"Frank is very sweet," she whispered.

"He used to call himself a monster for being ‘rebuilt’ and, in fact, he had no idea that his ancestors were... That doesn't matter." Zeth looked straight ahead, at the boiler, and sighed, clenching his fists. "He had an accident and lost his arm and legs. Part of his chest and back were beyond repair. He even lost an ear and an eye. He was dead for a full minute and had a hard time adjusting to the state-of-the-art prosthetics your father built for him."

"My dad is the one who gave Frank the prosthetics?"

"And they're very advanced," Zeth nodded, "Vorpal Steel, we had to melt down some swords from my collection since normal prosthetics got electrified all the time."

Jade remained silent, fed up with mysteries and secrets. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed more out of frustration than relief.

"Why are you suddenly talking to me like you don't hate me?"

"Because I don't hate you," he said with a sincere smile, "I'm too old to hate anyone."

"Well, I do hate you, and don't lie. You obviously hate me too," Jade whispered.

"I guess you haven't seen the comments from your interview," Zeth said, and she shook her head. "Well, I did, and I'm surprised by what the world thinks."

"I'm not interested," she waved off with one hand.

"Well, you should be," Zeth said, wiggling his eyebrows. He placed one hand on her shoulder. "People say you and I look good together. There's some romantic tension in the air." He took her chin between his fingers and turned her face to his. "You know what they asked?" he continued with a smirk. "Some asked if you were my girlfriend."

"That isn't even a thing!" She slapped his hands off of her face. "What could possibly make them think I'm remotely interested in some arrogant asshole like you?"

"Well, fans say that I am a man with exquisite taste and you are…"

"Oh, I get it now," Jade snapped. "Your fans are just stupid, shallow girls, aren't they? I knew you were a sexist, self-centred, narcissistic and disturbed misogynist!"

"Why do you mishear everything I say?! I was about to tell you that you are... Oh! Forget it! It doesn't matter!" He crossed his arms and looked away. "You're right, there's no reason I should look at someone like you. You are so dramatic!" Zeth snorted.

"Right, go on a date with one of your shallow fans. I bet a lot of them would handle an interview better than me," Jade also looked away, crossing her arms.

He laughed.


"You're cute when you're jealous." He chuckled and bit his lip.

"You are unbearable!" She threw her hands up.

"Listen, I didn't come here to hit on you, if that's what you think. If that were the case, I would have already made my move and kissed you," Zeth said and finally turned serious. Jade swallowed hard. Did he just say... That?! Oh no! No, Jade! Not another faint! "Listen, I understand we got off to a bad start. Yes, I'm competitive and a bit arrogant. I'm still working on it, but I want to apologise for telling you to go away. But I also want you to understand that the guys have worked too hard to make us a successful boy band, and you've got them going crazy."

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now