I'll be there.

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In a world where really anything can happen, for some reason, everyone freaks out because someone has a slight mutation in them to cause them to look different. Or function differently.

These people either get tortured for science or escape to never be seen again. This was until King Ren came along, a true king, a perfect king, some would say.

The king who finally brought peace between stratos and the newly named dogwartz, he himself was a mutated person, having some dog in him made him an intimidating king, but most say he is quite nice.

After this event only about twelve years ago, he seems to have forgotten he's mutated himself, forming a hatred for the head scientist he has only got hired because he's good at his job, of course im talking about Doc.

In the past couple of years, he has started banishing those who are mutated. He has formed quite a liking to banishing people, including one of my friends who had no mutation, but for stealing a slab of beef from vintagebeef, the butcher.
Although vintagebeef tried to pay for it himself to save my friend, the king was having none of it. He banished him in minutes, not letting him say goodbye to his family or friends.

Rumours say he has kept a mutated individual for scientific purposes. He claims he would never torture someone just like him, but people have heard screams in the middle of the night.

And all this makes me wonder if my king is truly the perfect king or if the power has gotten to his head.

sometimes i wonder if, beyond the wall, it is safer for the mutated kind, but we are not permitted to leave and will be seen as traitors to the crown if we do so.

Apparently, tomorrow, a spokesperson from Stratos is coming to dogwarts to discuss keeping the peace, and a prisoner they have, i have never seen the king of stratos but i know his name is Joel, apparently with the most beautiful queen in the lands.

Stratos is certainly a more accepting place to live. fewer mutations appear in stratos, but they welcome them with open arms most of the time, except the onrs banished from dogwarts who have to live in the wilderness, I've heard out there are dwarves and undead, the walls are certainly a safe place to be with everything that lurks out there.

Coming back to my friend, Scar, i always promised i would find him someday. That was years ago, seven to be exact, and chances have it he hasn't survived that long beyond the walls. I don't think i can keep my promise, but i can certainly try my hardest.

At the moment, the land is as peaceful as ever, no wars in years, and both kingdoms are prospering, making you wonder how long until war breaks out.

anyway, im excited to see the stratos spokesman coming tomorrow, so i have to head to sleep. I'll write you another letter tomorrow night!

Grian closes the letter walking over to his window, where a crow with a red ribbon around its neck is sitting looking at him.

"Here, take this, i trust you'll find him." Grian says, smiling as he places the letter in the crows mouth with 'Scar' written on the front.

He stares as the crow flies away to hopefully find his friend. He hopes the crow will return to him with a letter that says Grian, but he knows it's almost impossible.

The crow is out of sight along with the sun, so he decides its best to head to bed and get rest for the exciting day tomorrow.

He jumps onto his bed, pulling the covers over himself, staring at the letter he has unopened in the corner of his room. A letter he was given by his father the same night he went out to fight in the war against Stratos and never came home. He's always wanted to open it, but it says on the front, "You'll know when to open this." So he's assuming it's for a special occasion, although he has no idea what.

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