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"Babes... please stop crying, you're scaring me.... you never cry...." Sola says and she's holding onto Ni-ki for her dear life. Ni-ki just lets it all out and cant stop feeling bad about everything that happened. Their parents get on the stairs and sit next to them, wrapping an arm around them.

"Ni-ki dear..." His mom says and Ni-ki immediately looks up at his mom. She opens her arm and Ni-ki embraces her in a big hug. Sola and his dad look at them and smile lightly. "We are the once's that need to apologise... we should've never left you alone here, especially at this school where Sola was the top student. You were a tough child so we thought you survive going here but it only broke you... and dont lie because i know you, tough on the outside but on the inside broken... we handled your situation poorly and we should've done better, we're so sorry"

"I-it's o-okay... i learned f-from it, showing emotions isnt t-that bad at the e-end... i just w-wish i could've t-turn back time... not t-to not meet Sunoo but j-just to be nice to him b-because..."

"You love him?"

"I-i... do... so much and i-im so scared..."

"Dont be sweetie, im sure you two will work it out, you two are both tough and not scared to show emotions so you two will be fine" His mom says and gives a peck on his head. After that the doors open, revealing Sunoo with tear stains on his shirt and his eyes red and a little bit swollen. Ni-ki gets out of his mom's arms and runs over to Sunoo, grabbing his hands.

"S-sunoo... what's wrong?" Ni-ki asks but no answer is coming. Ni-ki can see the thoughts going around Sunoo's head but what happens next is something he didn't expect. Sunoo leans in and kisses Ni-ki. Everyone around them gasps and want to clap in excitement but soon everyone backs away for a bit as guards start to grab Ni-ki's family. Ni-ki smiles lightly into the kiss and wants to deepen it but then he gets dragged away by a guard. "W-what?? Sunoo??!"

"H-have fun in Japan...." Sunoo says and walks away while Ni-ki is screaming his name with a lot of questions. 

"Su-sunoo!! What do y-you mean? No!!! Please!! S-sunoo...!! I love y-you!! Don't do this t-to me...!!" 

Im so sorry.... i love you too...

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