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"And now can Ni-ki please stand next to me?" The king asks and Ni-ki looks at Sunoo with fear in his eyes. Sunoo just wipes away the tears from his face and gestures him to stand up. With shaky hands Ni-ki gets up and stands next to the king, not even daring to look into his eyes. His eyes wander of to his family and he has never felt this bad in his life. "Where do i need to start with you? I could make a book if i want to but i wont"


"As a surprise i brought your family here in such a short notice, you better not lie to them. So why did you hate my son? Why was everything he did bugging you? Commenting on his dancing... invading his privacy... telling him to back away but always going to him... being mean... letting him faint... following him here. You really are something else if i have to say. I really dont know why my son sees something in... you..." The king says and scoffs. Ni-ki's mind is just blank as the tears start to fall again. This really feels like as if a knife hits his heart. His friends all are in shock but Sunoo on the other end is on the edge to rage. "I want answer child."

"I-I-I have nothing t-to say..... i j-just.... im s-sorry...."

"Sorry? SORRY?! How dare you treat the upcoming king like that! Don't you have manners?!"

"Don't you dare talk to my son like that!!" Ni-ki's dad gets up from his chair and wants to walk over to them but the guards stop him. The whole room starts to whisper stuff to each other and the camera's are all pointing on him. The king chuckles and raises his eyes brows. 

"Im the king, remember?"

"But that does not give you the right to talk badly about your people." Sunoo says and stands up, gesturing the guards to stay away from him. The king turns around and Sunoo for no second is scared of the look that his dad is giving him. Sunoo gets over to them and gestures the other guards to let Ni-ki's dad go, so thats what they do. "A good king would still talk with respect, remember?"

"Are you talking back to me?"

"GOSH, i've been waiting for this moment, dont you know for how many years i've been bottling up these feelings?! Behaving and listening to you, screw that, we live in 2022 and things still need to be like 1650?! I for real learned more these 3 months at school then my whole 17 years in the castle. It was the most scary and hurtful experience i've ever had in my life but look at who i met, what i've done, what i've learned. I'm so ready to turn this town around when i will be king. I will do my own thing and i dont care what you will think about it. I wanna gain trust from everyone because i got an inside on how they work and live. That's what a good king needs to do. I dont like how you are treating my friends now because they did nothing wrong. At the end of my day its my fault and i wanna apologies for that, im the problem here but leave them alone. I, the future king, will set everything right i did wrong." 

"Everyone leave." The king says and without any thought everyone leaves the room except for Sunoo and the king.

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