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🛡best guards🛡

sunoo so how is everything going...?

beomgyu surprisingly very good,
they always only allow us to your
room so you're safe on that

sunoo okay im glad

beomgyu how are you doing??

sunoo i dont even know...
im all over the place

jeongin what's up?

sunoo just... u know ni-ki right?
the boy im always talking about
who's very rude and all that stuff

jeongin mhmm

beomgyu what did he do??

sunoo well i accidentally brought my
necklace with me... he saw it and did
research on it, he found out it's from
the royal family... so he confronted me
about it, asking if im a thief or a
member from the royal family...

beomgyu sunoo....

sunoo dont worry, i didnt tell him
but i did panic and faint...
i was out for 1,5 day...

jeongin sunoo that's not
good, are you okay now??
like really okay okay? we
dont want your parents to
know you fainted

sunoo as if they care, i've fainted quite
a lot bc of the pressure they give me...

beomgyu but you cant continue like this

sunoo ow but i will, im not even the
king and i already have a lot of stress,
imagine being the king of the whole
kingdom, i might run away

beomgyu then tell your parents

sunoo you know them... they dont
listen to me, ever. if they would've
listened to me then we weren't in this
situation, they would've let me go to
school... they would've let me have
friends... they would've let me have my
freedom but no, i was born to be king
but all i want is a normal life. im trying
my best to have that but every damn time
i need to watch out bc what if people
know im the hidden prince??!! ppl on
school talk shit about me, i could've avoided
it but no here i am, on a trip with my
school... in just some weeks they'll
know im their new king, i'll be hated
on forever, i regret going to school but
what can i do now?? nothing.

jeongin you're overthinking now...

sunoo am i? because for me
its gonna be reality

jeongin you are... look i know
that but don't you have friends
now?? aren't you loved by ppl
in school?? there will only be a
small group of ppl who will not
like you but the rest will love you!!
at the end of the day this was all
your choice... aren't you happy
now?? i think i've never seen you
this happy, dont say you regret it
bc you dont, things are just not
working out as you want it too,
once you're the king you'll get
all the freedom you wanna get,
that's something you can look out for

sunoo i do but i've been lying... how
long have i been here? just some weeks
and im already done with it and what
freedom?? my parents will still come
after my ass

jeongin you'll be the king.
freedom is your choice, just
get some sleep okay?? i can
sense your head is about to explode

sunoo i'll try... sorry for venting...

jeongin it's okay, don't worry

beomgyu but wait, should
we keep an eye on ni-ki? he's
literally is so close to knowing

sunoo i told him to leave me alone
and if he wants to approach me
he needs to be kind with me, lowkey
think he'll just leave me alone... he's
a fierce person but once he goes
to far he lets you go

beomgyu are you happy
or sad about that?

sunoo happy ofc

beomgyu 👁 👄 👁 lies

sunoo i need to go

beomgyu i know you like him

sunoo i dont!

jeongin you dooooo

sunoo how can i like someone
that's always rude towards me?

jeongin enemies to lovers

sunoo u watch to many k-dramas

jeongin says the k-drama lover

sunoo goodnight

jeongin 👅

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