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"Urgh..." Sunoo wakes up with this uncomfortable headache as he opens up his eyes. He frowns as he does not know where he is right now. It seems very dark but after some seconds it all starts to get lighter and he recognises where he is. His eyes widen and he looks besides him, on the other side he sees Ni-ki laying on the ground with a cut on his forehead. He gasps and tries to get closer but his hands are tied up against the wall. "Let me go!!"

Sunoo tries to get loose but nothing seems to help. Also Ni-ki seems to not wake up despite all the noice Sunoo is making. A guard walks in and Sunoo tries to stand up. The guard clearly heard what Sunoo said but does nothing, only standing at the entrance.

"I-im the prince and you need to listen to me!! It's an order."

"The king's and queen's order was not to follow your order's."

"Bullshit!! Let me go. Now!" Sunoo screams out but there comes no movement from the guard. Sunoo starts to get frustrated as he can't do anything but tries to stay as calm as possible. He once again looks at Ni-ki and his wound is still bleeding. "Can you... at least look at Ni-ki's wound... it's unacceptable how he's laying here while he's bleeding on his head"

"Okay" The guard hesitated to react but still did. He disappears for a minute and comes back with a first aid kit. After he opens the cell door the guard unties Sunoo and gives him the kit. "Do it yourself. Behave."

Sunoo's mouth drops out of shock but quickly he grabs the kit and gets over to Ni-ki. He sits down and lets Ni-ki's head rest on his lap. Ni-ki still doesn't react and Sunoo puts his finger in front of Ni-ki's nose to feel is he's breathing.

Thank god he's breathing...

Seeing Ni-ki like this was something he never wanted to see but here they are. Sunoo knows how stubborn Ni-ki is but he never thought it would go this far. The more weeks past by the more Sunoo sees the bad side of him speaking out. He never wanted to hurt people, to lie, to put them in danger. Is he now selfish for choosing himself over the royal family and the people from the kingdom? If he never did this then this would have never happened. But he met such amazing people and he had so much fun.... despite all the things he did wrong.

While Sunoo is so much in his head he also cleans Ni-ki's wound and puts a band aid on it. He releases a big sigh after he puts away the kit and he wraps his arms around Ni-ki to pull him in a back hug. He slowly closes his eyes while resting his head on Ni-ki's head, allowing him to let his emotions take over.

"Im so sorry Ni-ki, i owe you a big apology for this all... i should have never gone to school... i hurt you and even your friends... you deserve someone way better than me... you fell for a prince and you didnt even know... it hurts so much... knowing that we cant even work on our relationship... it started out so rough but i was so excited to see where we would grow too even though i knew it would be difficult, my emotions took over and i never looked back at reality, im so sorry..."

"D-dont be... im the o-one who should a-apologize...." Sunoo's eyes widden as he hears Ni-ki say that. Ni-ki groans and opens his eyes, Sunoo letting him go. The younger one looks around and he can easily guess where he's at but he's even more surprises that he's here with Sunoo. He turns around and sees that Sunoo is crying. "No no... don't cry..."

Ni-ki gets closer to Sunoo and wipes the tears away. Sunoo grabs Ni-ki's hands and holds them tight because he's way to scared to already leave him. Ni-ki shows him a reassuring smile and in return he gets a small smile back.

"But i am so s-serious... i should be the one with the apology, ever since you came i've only been so mean to you, i was simply so jealous and everyone irritated me... last year was rough for me so i still walk around with that feeling, then you came and i became worse... but you also changed me but it didnt always help... the anger in me made me approach you in such a rude way, what i did on the school trip was unacceptable but im in shock that i guessed right that you were from the royal family... you saved me from Hyunwoo... i left you alone until i was ready but you were always with jungwon... i almost thought you two were a thing... i noticed you going away early for the past few weeks so i followed you to confess... not knowing where i would end up... i like you and thats what matters now, i dont care what will happen, i wont leave your side. I'll support you a 100% through this all, i fell for you, a human being, prince or not, we both will work on our issues together, if you allow me...?"

"O-of course... i forgive you if you forgive me...."

"I forgive you" And with that Sunoo embraces Ni-ki in a big hug, the younger one hugging back of course. There's a lot that they need to learn about each other but the beginning is luckily already here. Hopefully it wont be that hard to stay with each other, knowing that Sunoo's family will tear him down.

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