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The rushed voices of the workers were loud for the people in the house, especially for the little bundle of joy that slept in her crib after hours of crying and staying awake throughout the night, leaving her mother to find sleep when she also slept.

Unlike the baby, Janaki was unbothered with the sound of vehicle and workers that was downstairs,  getting their furniture and stuffs out from the truck to her in law's house.

After several arguments between the father and son, dhruv was ultimately convinced by his wife and mother on how she will need help with baby and since he was back in the force and how it would be too much of a hassle for Janaki with a new born baby alone.

So with reluctance dhruv packed up their bags and decided to shift to his father's house.

Even though the father and son fought over petty things, it all went melting away when the men were around the little baby who was only born 10 days ago. When dhruv was not around, his father would help out with his mother whenever janaki needed them.

Even though the delivery took a toll on Janaki's body, she was thankful and happy for the help from her in law's.

While she slept away in her bed, dhruv downstairs argued with his father over where to keep his stuff and where not to keep his stuff, and naachi could only, shake her head in defeat of how even though they seem fine one minute they would argue the second.

"just keep it on the balcony, it will look good there right?" vikram argued back to his son, but dhruv only shook his head. "no, you have great guest room, we can keep it there."

Vikram paused, even though he didn't want to agree, he thought for a moment and then agreed to his son saying. "oh! That's a good idea, why didn't I think of that?"

"maybe because your old and rusty." Mumbling to himself, dhruv walked away from his father to his car, talking his suitcases out.

"hey! I heard that da, don't mock me like I am some kind of an antique piece." Vikram stood, keeping his hands on the hips.

"oh! Your absolutely right! You're an antique, happy?"

Before vikram could argue back, naachi called out to them,

"will you both stop fighting. Now who is going to buy the cake."

Confused with need for a cake, they both spoke at the same time." Cake?"

With a sigh at the confusion of the men, she said "it going to be new year tonight, the baby's first new year. A cake is a must right?" naachi beamed with the idea.

"oh! Your right Ma, I will go and buy one, can't trust antique over here to choose a nice cake for the occasion." Mocking man, dhruv earned a smack against his back from his father, but laughed away getting into his car and drove off to the street, searching for a bakery.


The elder couple worked in the kitchen, making some tea for themselves while they chat away about random stuff, that was when Janaki came downstairs with her baby in hands, cuddle to her mother for warmth.

With a little whisper for a voice she announced her arrival to the couple. "hi"

Looking back for the voice, they smile at the sight of the mother and child; who simply slept away like a little puppy .

"ah! Is my darlings awake?" naachi immediately left her spot in the kitchen, rushing to get her hands on the baby, happy that finally they both were awake and looked fresh after the nap. The tiredness from the delivery almost fully leaving from Janaki's face.

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