Chapter 13

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     "That sword is meant to be in my vault at Gringotts." Bellatrix says a few minutes later. She has Hermione on the floor and is sitting on her. Ursa is standing next to Draco nearby, regret plastered on her face. "How did you get it? What else did you and your friends take from my vault?!"

     "I didn't take anything." Hermione says through her tears. "Ursa help me!"

     "We haven't been in your vault!" Ursa yells. "Please stop!"

    "Quiet traitor!" Bellatrix snaps.

     "Flipendo." Ursa casts as she shoots out her hand. Bellatrix flies off Hermione and Ursa runs to Hermione. Bellatrix gets up and looks at Ursa angrily. Narcissa and Bellatrix run towards the two girl, but Bellatrix gets there first. She grabs Ursa by the throat and pulls her up to her feet.

     "Stupid girl! What else did you take from my vault?"

     "We haven't been to your vault."

     "So you just so happened to come across the sword that is supposed to be in my vault?" Bellatrix tightens her grip, cutting off Ursa's air. Ursa tries to peel Bellatrix's hand off her throat.

     "Bellatrix let her go!" Narcissa demands.

     "Stay out of this Cissy."

     "We haven't been to your vault." Ursa manages to choke out. "Relashio!" Bellatrix is forced to let go of Ursa and Ursa drops to her knees. "I thought we went over that I'm powerful." Ursa stands.

     "Cissy, control her before I do it for y-"

     "Crucio!" Ursa casts at Bellatrix. The spell doesn't last long as Narcissa grabs Ursa's right arm with both hands and drags her back to the Malfoy men, Ursa fighting her the whole time.

     "Try anything else against us and I will let Bellatrix do whatever she wants to you." Narcissa whispers angrily. "Do you understand me?"

     "Fine." Ursa says with a sneer. Bellatrix goes back to Hermione.

     "Please." Hermione begs. "I didn't take anything."

     "I do not believe it." Bellatrix says before leaning over Hermione's arm and cutting into it with her knife. Ursa closes her eyes and turns her head.

     "You put the fake in Bellatrix's vault." Ursa says to Snape over their connection.

     "How do you know that?" Snape asks. "You didn't. Please tell me you didn't lead the Snatchers to Potter."

     "I had to. What else was I supposed to do? He was going to kill Draco. She's trying to torture information out of Hermione right now. I regret it and don't at the same time. Hermione used a stinging jinx on Harry so his scar is wonky. They're not sure it's him yet. I think Draco lied and said he couldn't tell if it was Harry. I did what I had to. You know my loyalty goes to his safety first."

     "Did you at least call for Dobby?"

     "Not yet. I haven't had a moment where it's safe." Ursa focuses on what's going on in the room to see Bellatrix talking to Griphook. She runs over to Hermione and kneels next to her. She gently shakes her as the boys quietly come up the stairs. "Hermione," she whispers. "Please wake up." Hermione opens her eyes.

     "Ursa?" Hermione whispers. Ursa notices the boys and motions for them to stay there.

     "You're going to be alright." Ursa whispers. "I'm going to heal your arm and get us out of here. Just hold on."

The Jade Malfoy Book 4: Deathly HallowsWhere stories live. Discover now