Chapter 3

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     "Bellatrix, Narcissa, I heard that a happy event has taken place in your family this week." Voldemort says at a meeting.

     "I do not know what you mean my Lord." Bellatrix replies.

     "I am talking about your niece Bellatrix. And yours, Narcissa and Lucius. She has just married the werewolf Remus Lupin. You must be so proud." The table laughs.

     "She is no niece of ours, my Lord. We, the Malfoys or I, I have never set eyes on our sister since the married the Mudblood. This brat has nothing to do with any of us, nor any beast she marries."

     "You see, that is where you are wrong Bellatrix. They do have something to do with you. A Malfoy has set eyes on your sister and 'the brat'." More that set eyes actually. Rumor has it Ursa was the only guest and is a good friend of 'the brat', even considers 'the brat' as her cousin and your sister as her aunt. Not to mention she wrote letters to your sister for years."

     "She is no niece of mine either."

     "Is that true Lucius?"

     "Yes, my Lord." Lucius says. "She was disowned the moment she betrayed you."

     "Really, because I heard that she was never loyal to our cause." Voldemort says. "Isn't that right Severus?"

      "Yes my Lord." Snape says. "She only joined to spy for the Order."

      "It must be embarrassing to find out, in front of everyone, that you failed to raise your daughter properly." The table laughs again. "Enough! Many of our oldest family trees have become diseased. You must prune yours to keep it healthy? Cut away the parts that threaten the health of the rest."

     "Yes my Lord." Bellatrix says. "At the first chance!"

     "Though I would like to be the one to kill the traitor."

     "My- my Lord." Lucius stutters. "Is-is it really necessary to kill her. I believe she could still be swayed to our side if-"

     "She has made her choice Lucius. She chose them, making her essential to my downfall. She must die. Do not let sentimentality get in your way. Do not forget she chose them over you and your family, who she promised to protect. She betrayed your family.


     "Potter, you're still underage." Moody says. "Which means you've still got the Trace on you."

     "What's the Trace?" Harry asks.

     "Why if you sneeze, the Ministry will know who wipes your nose."

     "It's the thing that the Ministry uses to track magic use in underage wizards." Ursa says. "It tells them the location and what spell you used. Since we can't trust the Ministry right now, we don't want them knowing any of that."

     "The point is, we have to use those means of transport the Trace can't detect, brooms, thestrals, and the like. We go in pairs. That way, if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be, they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one."

     "The real one?" Harry questions as Moody pulls his flask out of his jacket.

     "I believe you're familiar with this particular brew."

     "No. Absolutely not."

     "I told you he'd take it well." Hermione says.

     "No. If you think I'm gonna let everyone risk their lives for me." Ron scoffs.

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