Chapter 11

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     "Hermione!" Harry yells as he approaches the camp. "Ursa!" Hermione and Ursa get up and walk outside the tent.

     "Everything all right?" Hermione asks as they walk out, Ursa with her hand on her wand.

     "Fine." Harry replies and Ursa lowers her hand. "Actually more than fine." Harry motions to Ron behind him.

     "Hey." Ron says and Ursa smiles softly. Hermione stomps over to Ron and tries to pull his backpack from off his back.

     "You—" Hermione says as she wrenches it down his arm. "Complete—" She pushes him. "Arse Ronald Weasley!" She picks up leaves and throws them at him. "You show up here after weeks—" She hits him with his bag. "and you say 'hey?'" Hermione pauses before turning on Harry. "Where's my wand, Harry?" Harry covers her wand with his sweater and backs away from Hermione.

     "I don't know." Harry replies and Ursa laughs at Harry's fear.

     "Harry Potter you give me my wand!" Hermione backs him into a tree.

     "I don't have it!"

     "How come he's got your wand?" Ron asks.

     "Never mind why he's got my wand." Hermione replies before noticing the Horcrux in his hand. "What is that?" Ron holds the Horcrux up. "You destroyed it?" Ursa notices the Sword of Gryffindor in his other hand.

     "And how is that you just happen to have to Sword of Gryffindor?" Ursa asks.

     "It's a long story." Harry replies.

     "Don't think this changes anything." Hermione says before storming away.

     "Oh of course not." Ron says. "I only just destroyed a bloody Horcrux why wouldn't that change anything." Ron pauses. "Look, I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn't know how to find you."

     "How did you find us?" Harry asks.

     "With this." Ron takes the Deluminator out of his pocket. "It doesn't just turn off lights. I don't know how it works, but Christmas morning, I was sleeping in this little pub, keeping away from some Snatchers. And I heard it."

     "It?" Ursa questions.

     "A voice. Your voice Hermione. Coming out of it."

     "And what exactly did I say may I ask?" Hermione questions, still annoyed.

     "My name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it and I clicked it and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew. Sure enough it floated toward me, the ball of light, right into my chest, straight through me." Ron touches his chest. "Right here. I knew it was going to take me to where I needed to go. So I Disapparated. I came to this hillside. It was dark, I had no idea where I was. Just hoped that one of you would show yourself. And you did." They stand there in silence for a moment before Hemione goes back inside the tent. Ron turns to Ursa. "Your family is alive." Ursa runs to Ron and hugs him tightly.

     "Thank you," Ursa says. "thank you." Ursa releases Ron.

     "I knew you were worried, so I kept an eye and ear out. There is bad news thought. They've possibly been tortured a few times. I head a couple people but nothing definitive. I am certain they're alive." Ursa goes into the tent and sits on her bunk.

     "I assume you had something to do with the Sword of Gryffindor appearing in the middle of a Muggle forest." Ursa says to Snape through the connection.

     "I have no idea what you're talking about." Snape replies.

     "Thank you. The locket is destroyed."

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