Chapter 10

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     "I still think we should've used Polyjuice Potion." Hermione says after they Disapparate to Godric's Hollow.

     "No." Harry says. "This is where I was born. I'm not returning as someone else."

     "I agree with Hermione and have some ready if we need it." Ursa says.

     "When did you manage to do that?"

     "Had Hermione grab a few hairs when she went into that town to get us food." They slowly walk down the street together, bells tolling in the distance.

     "I think it's Christmas Eve." Hermione says. "Listen." They hear a choir singing in the distance.

     "Makes sense." Ursa says. "I figured it was around Christmas." Harry's attention is on the graveyard next to the church.

     "Do you think they'd be in there?" Harry asks. "My mum and dad."

     "Yeah I think they would." Hermione answers.

     "Should we go look?" Ursa suggests. Harry nods and the three split up to look at the graveyard.

     "Hey Harry, Ursa." Hermione says but Harry and Ursa don't respond, they found the Potter's. Hermione walks over and kneels in front of the headstone. She waves her wand and a wreath appears, leaning against the headstone. Hermione stands next to Harry, Ursa on the other side, as Harry wipes his tears.

      "Merry Christmas." Harry says.

     "Merry Christmas." Ursa and Hermione respond. Hermione lays her head on Harry's shoulder while Ursa wraps an arm around him. Ursa glances around and notices someone watching them.

     "There's someone watching us." Ursa whispers. "By the church." Harry slowly looks over.

     "I think I know who that is." Harry whispers. "Bathilda Bagshot."

     The woman turns around and starts to walk out of the graveyard. "Should we follow her?" Ursa asks.

     "Yes." The three follow the woman out of the graveyard and down the street.

     "I don't like this." Hermione whispers.

     "Hermione, she knew Dumbledore. She might have the sword."

     "I'm ready in case something goes wrong." Ursa says as she puts her hand on the handle of her wand. Harry stops outside a ruined house. Hermione and Ursa turn around.

     "This is where they died." Harry says. He pauses. "This is where he murdered them." When they turn to follow the woman again, she is right next to them. "You're Bathilda aren't you?" The woman nods and they follow her to her house.

     When inside she tries to light a candle with matches. "Here let me do that." Harry says. He strikes the match and lights the candle in front of them. He goes around the room and lights a few more candles. He comes across a picture and picks it up. "Miss Bagshot, who's this man?" Bathilda doesn't answer. She just picks up the candle and walks upstairs. Harry stashes the photo in his jacket.

     "Harry." Ursa and Hermione both whisper as he follows her up the spiral staircase. Ursa draws her wand and slowly follows them as Hermione looks around. Ursa's eyes widen as Bathilda starts speaking in Parstlemouth.

     "Harry!" Hermione yells from downstairs as she finds something. Ursa runs back down the stairs to find Hermione fallen over some books. She helps Hermione up and they run back upstairs. Hermione shoots a spell at the snake now attacking Harry and Ursa realizes she's seen that snake before. The floor under the snake breaks and the snake falls to the floor below.

The Jade Malfoy Book 4: Deathly HallowsWhere stories live. Discover now