Chapter 7

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     Hermione, Ron, and Ursa are sitting at the kitchen table when Harry's voice comes from down the hall. "I've got news, and you're not gonna like it." Harry says before walking into the kitchen. He throws a newspaper down on top of the parchment filled table.

Severus Snape Confirmed as Hogwarts Headmaster

     "No!" Hermione and Ron say. Ursa stays silent. Hermione snatches up the paper and reads the story out loud.

     "'Severus Snape, long-standing Potions master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was today appointed headmaster in the most important of several staffing changes at the ancient school. Following the resignation of the previous Muggle Studies teacher, Alecto Carrow will take over the post while her brother, Amycus, fills the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I welcome the opportunity to uphold our finest Wizarding traditions and values—' Like committing murder and cutting off people's ears, I suppose! Snape, headmaster! Snape in Dumbledore's study. Merlin's pants!" Hermione exclaims before running out of the room.

     "What was that about?" Ron asks.

     "No idea." Harry replies.

     "The other teachers won't stand for this. They all know how Dumbledore died. They won't accept this. Who are the Carrows?"

     "Death Eaters. Terrified of me." Ursa replies. "I figure they don't have much of a choice in staying. If the Ministry and the Dark Lord are behind Snape they have the choice between staying and teaching or possibly a few years in Azkaban if they're lucky."

     "I reckon they'll stay to protect the students." Harry says. "At least we know where Snape is now. There's still a load of Death Eaters outside watching the house. Like they expect us to walk out with our trunks and head off for the Hogwarts Express."

     "So Headmaster huh?" Ursa says through the connection.

     "Yes. Don't worry. I will still protect them." Snape replies.

     "Thank you." Hermione comes back in carrying a portrait.

     "Isn't that Phineas Nigellus' portrait?" Ursa asks as Hermione grabs her bag.

     "Yes." Hermione replies as she forces the portrait into her bag.

     "What?" Ron questions.

     "Snape could use Phineas Nigellus to spy on us. Let's see him try now."


     "Thank you."

     "So Harry, what else happened today?" Ursa asks.

     "Nothing." Harry replies. "Saw your dad Ron. He looks fine." Ron nods. They agreed it wasn't safe to approach Arthur while he walked in and out of the Ministry.

     "Most people Floo in. That's why we haven't seen Umbridge. Probably thinks she's too important."

     "And what about the old witch and that little wizard in the navy blue robes?" Hermione questions.

     "Oh you mean that bloke from Magical Maintenance?" Ron asks.

     "How do you know he's from Magical Maintenance?"

     "Dad said everyone from Magical Maintenance wears navy blue robes."

     "You never told us that!" Hermione exclaims. She pulls the stack of parchment closer to her and flips through the pages. "There is nothing in here about navy blue robes. Nothing!"

The Jade Malfoy Book 4: Deathly HallowsWhere stories live. Discover now