Chapter 21

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"Trina! Trina, you have to come with me!" Alice yelled past the wolves.

Embry growled even deeper at her.

"I'm not going anywhere, Alice." I replied to her.

"Edward is coming back! He loves you and wants to be with you again. These wolves are dangerous!"

I looked at her in disgust. "Dangerous? The only thing here they're remotely dangerous to is you. They've done nothing but protect me since Edward left me to die of hypothermia in the woods, discarded like I was nothing but a piece of trash. He was abusive and controlling. I've found my mates, Alice, and neither of them are Edward."

As I said it, I knew I'd also have to explain what I meant by 'mates' to Charlie as well.

"They're lying to you! I've seen your future and—" she seemed to zone out for a split second before continuing, "—Your future is gone. Completely gone. I can't see anything!"

I decided to pull out some of my knowledge. "It's the wolves. You can't see past them. The reason why you can't see my future, Alice, is because I'm the mate of two wolves. My entire future is with them."

"But—" She tried to say but I stopped her.

"I want you to leave. Now. And don't ever come back. I don't want any of you back here again." I told her with malice in my voice.

She looked angry and conflicted but turned and ran.

I watched as Paul and Jared quickly followed after her while Quil and Embry stayed behind with Charlie and I.

Quil whined in my direction and I nodded to him. "Go phase back. The three of us need to have a conversation with my dad now."

I put Embry's shorts into his mouth and watched as he and Quil ran into the woods.

Charlie looked at me with wide eyes as I motioned for him to follow me back inside.

"Trina, what the hell just happened?" Charlie asked me in complete shock as we stood in the kitchen, waiting on the boys to come in.

"It's a really long story, Dad." I began.

"Then I suggest you get started because I want to know it all. Beginning with the fact that your boyfriend is a giant wolf and don't think I didn't hear you say that you had two mates?"

I was about to start when Embry walked through the door with a sheepish looking Quil behind him.

"Uh, Hi Chief, I'm Quil. Quil Ateara V." Quil said awkwardly as he walked in.

Embry decided to speak first as Charlie stared at him. "In regards to the whole 'two mates' thing? That would be the two of us."

Charlie took a deep breath and ran his fingers over his mustache while muttering, "two mates, two mates, two mates." He then looked at me. "Why don't you just start from the beginning, Trina."

"Well you could clearly see that the guys are wolves." I started with.

"Are they... werewolves?" He asked me quietly but Quil and Embry laughed.

"We're shifters. Our form just takes that of a wolf. So, none of the werewolf lore you've heard about in the stories and movies applies to us." Embry explained to him. "We have super hearing, super strength, speed, healing, we can hear each other's thoughts while phased."

"Those animal attacks—" Charlie began but I cut him off.

"The pack are protectors, Dad. They're trying to protect us from what's causing the attacks. They'd never hurt any innocent humans." I said to him.

"Protect from what's causing the at—Trina, if giant wolves aren't causing the 'animal attacks' then what the hell is?" Charlie questioned, clearly worried about what we hadn't told him yet.

"That would be, um –" I was trying to figure out how to put it.

"Vampires, Charlie." Embry finished for me.

Charlie looked back and forth between the three of us and then burst out laughing. I looked over at Quil who was trying his best not to chuckle along.

Embry smacked Quil in the chest and he immediately looked serious again. Charlie then looked back up at us and realized we weren't laughing.

"Wait, you're serious?" We nodded. "Vampires?"

"Yes, they're real. The Cullens—"

"Don't tell me that the Cullens were vampires?" Charlie asked immediately. I nodded with a grimace. "As in Doctor Cullen? Who worked with blood on a daily basis?"

"There's two types of vampires. The ones who drink human blood and the ones who don't. The Cullens didn't drink human blood. Vampires aren't like the movies either, Dad." I tried to explain.

"Yeah, the sun doesn't kill them, it just makes them sparkle." Quil couldn't help but saying. "Wish it did kill them though, that would be awesome. Make our jobs real easy."

I shot Quil a look that made him shut up quickly.

Embry and I explained the rest of the vampire part to Charlie as he listened in disbelief. Once that was through, he looked between the three of us and then back at me.

"Now you three can explain to me about this 'two mates' situation." Charlie said to us seriously and I gulped but nodded.

"Well sir, both of us imprinted on Trina, which essentially means that she's our soulmate. There's a lot more to it, but that's the baseline." Quil replied first.

"So you're telling me that Trina has not one, but two soulmates?" Charlie asked and all three of us nodded. "Right."

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