Chapter 8

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"Well you still didn't answer..." Quil smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. I watched as Embry smacked him in the back of his head. "Ow, what was that for?"

"For embarrassing our imprint. Seriously bro, censor yourself for once." Embry replied before continuing to massage my shoulders and neck.

I heard the guys coming in the doorway. Sam looked over at the three of us immediately. "Definitely a Cullen." He stated before looking down at me. "Trina, I hope you don't mind that I opened some of the windows in your house. The vampire scent is a bit overwhelming in there at the moment and while it won't necessarily set Embry off, it would probably be too much for Quil at the moment."

I already knew that Alice had most likely come like last time, but I just wasn't sure.

"Thank you, Sam. I honestly hadn't even thought about that being an issue. Could you tell which Cullen it was?" I questioned. I was sure Sam noticed my lack of surprise, but he didn't say anything.

"I couldn't distinguish between which Cullen it was, but I know it was definitely a female." He replied and I nodded. "None of you are surprised. I feel like you're not telling me something."

Embry looked down at me and I nodded. He motioned for Sam to follow him and Quil out and I knew they were going to tell him about my time traveling experience. Then they would request that he order them to not think about it while phased.

Emily looked over at me and smiled. "Do you want to borrow a dress of mine for Harry's ceremony tonight or would you prefer to wear something of your own?"

I thought about it for a second then replied. "If I could borrow one of yours that would be great. I don't necessarily think it's the best option for me to go home right now considering everything with the vampire in my house."

"Definitely. Come with me and we'll find you something to wear." She motioned for me to follow her up the stairs.

Emily helped me pick out a simple black dress and by the time we were back downstairs, the three of them had come back inside.

"It seems like you've had an interesting couple of days, Trina." Sam said as we walked down the stairs.

"You can say that again. It's been a bit crazy but I'm just rolling with the punches." I returned.

"I've ordered them both not to think about it while phased so you don't have to worry about that." He reassured me and I let out a breath.

"Thank you, Sam. Maybe one day we can tell the pack but I don't think now is the time, you know?" I told him.

"I agree. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to have them tell me though. If it's not too much trouble, would you be willing to discuss any future threats there may be? Only that, nothing more. I want the pack to be as prepared as we can be." Sam requested. I'd been thinking about that anyways and I nodded.

"Of course. Why don't we sit down tomorrow, just the four of us, and I'll tell you what I know? I've already changed some major fixed points though so I don't know what all will still happen, but I'll make sure you know what to be prepared for." I replied, happy to help in any way I could.

"Thank you." He told me.

I looked over to Quil and Embry who had noticed the dress in my hands. I'd decided that I needed a shower before I could get ready considering I didn't take one the day before and I felt gross. I just didn't want to take up Emily's shower while I was sure she needed one as well.

"Can we go back over to your house so that I can take a shower and change?" I asked Quil.

He nodded enthusiastically before turning to do his 'bro' handshake with Sam and Embry doing the same.

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