Chapter 16

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Embry's POV

We were right, she was back. After I'd gone to Sam's and warned him, we both took off to track her.

"The scent is circling the school then heading back East." Sam said into the pack mind.

"We're not that far behind. I'm going to keep following." I replied to him.

I felt the shimmer of someone else phasing in.

"What's going on?" I heard Paul ask.

"The redhead is back. She circled Trina's school and is headed East." I growled into the pack mind, getting closer to her.

It was like she had deliberately slowed down for me to catch her.

"Sam, I think she's going to double back." I told him.

"Paul, go get Jared and Jake, have them phase in." Sam ordered.

"You got it, boss. I better not miss any of the damn action though." Paul growled.

"Dammit, hurry! She's headed right back for us." I yelled in my head.

"Run back this direction, Embry. Don't let her get too close until the pack is here. You said Trina is with Quil, right?" Sam questioned as I ran his direction as fast as I could.

"Yeah, she's at his house." I responded.

I ran like hell and luckily she couldn't reach me. We were faster than vampires but not by much.

I felt both Jake and Jared phase in.

"Dude, what's going on?" Jake asked as he ran toward us.

"Redhead." I growled.

"She's coming, be ready!" Sam commanded.

All five of us stood solid as a pack as we waited for her to come to us. She approached and I could hear her giggle.

"Interesting... I thought I could smell my lunch but it seems to be mixed with a side of wet dog." Victoria stated as we held a stand-off. "One of you has been a naughty mutt... smells like the dark gray one. Tisk, tisk."

"What is she talking about?" Jacob asked me in the pack mind as I growled deeply at the vampire.

I let a thought slip about waking up with Trina.

"Dude, she's right. You do smell like Trina." Jared snickered in his thoughts.

"Way to go, bro!" Paul stated almost simultaneously.

Jake stayed quiet.

"Are we going to stand around all day, boys, or are we going to make this fun?" The leech cackled before taking off in the opposite direction. "Come on doggies, time to play fetch!"

"We need a distraction! It's the only way we can get her, or she'll find a way to escape again!" I yelled as we began the chase.

"How do you know that?!" Jake asked almost angrily through the pack mind.

"Don't question him, Jacob. We need to figure out a distraction." Sam ordered.

I began to think of what we could possibly do.

She was up in the trees now where we couldn't reach her.

I finally came up with a thought.

"No, Embry." Sam said as he read my mind.

"Dude, that's too dangerous." Paul chimed in.

"It's my imprint. Wouldn't you do the same if it were for Emily, Sam?" I spoke in my head.

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