Chapter 15

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To my surprise, when I woke Embry was still wrapped around me. I turned around in his arms and he smiled at me before his eyes were even open.

"Now this I could definitely get used to." He murmured, leaning down to kiss me.

"Me too..." I replied. "Charlie?" I questioned him.

"Hasn't been home yet, not that I'm complaining." Embry whispered to me.

"He usually only stays when there's more..." I stopped, terrified of what I'd just realized.

"Trina? More what?" Embry asked worriedly.

"More missing hikers." I replied, knowing exactly what that meant. I couldn't believe I'd let myself forget about Victoria, even for a minute.

In this timeline, she was still alive. Maybe there was a chance she hadn't started to create the newborn army yet. Maybe we could get her before that entire event happened.

Embry's eyes and stance went into protective mode. "We need to get you back down to the res."

"But I have school today..." I muttered as he helped me up out of the bed.

"If you want to go to school then I'll drop you off, but Quil and I will be in the woods around your school all day. That redhead is after you, don't think we've forgotten that." Embry told me as he slid his shorts back on.

"It's alright, Em. I'll go with you back to the res. I'm sure Sam will need the two of you if she's close by anyways and you'll need me somewhere safe. Not to mention I have some information that might help with killing her." I told him honestly.

He looked beyond relieved.

"Tell me on the way down." I nodded and put my clothes on, following him out to my truck immediately.

Sure enough, Charlie's cruiser was still at the station. I didn't dare stop to talk to him because I knew he'd question me about school if I did, so we kept driving.

"What is it you know about the redhead?" Embry asked me as we drove down the one road leading in and out of the reservation.

"She has a gift. You know how like Alice can see the future and Edward can read minds?" I told him and he nodded. "Her gift is evasion. She can escape from any trap you guys set for her. It's how she's been alive over 600 years."

"Well that's—how are we supposed to get her?" He questioned me back quickly.

"Distraction at the last second. It's the only thing that will work." I replied, thinking back to what I had done the first time around.

"Do I even want to know what made you come to that conclusion?" He asked almost painfully.

"Probably not..." I muttered under my breath.

"Dammit, Trina, you're not going to be some sort of sacrificial lamb!" He yelled. I hadn't ever actually seen him angry before, although he seemed more upset than angry.

I reached over and put my hand on his leg. "I promise I won't be, okay. I promise. I was stupid and reckless in my other life. There's other ways and we'll find one."

The tension in his shoulders released at my words and I felt some of his anxiety slip away.

"What worked?" He finally asked as we crossed over onto the res.

"My blood. I distracted her by cutting open my arm, but in hindsight a papercut would've probably done the trick. She smelled it and her attention went immediately to me, distracting her for just a split second, but that was all that was needed to kill her." I informed him.

"That's definitely not an option. It's not even the cutting yourself open part, it's the whole getting close enough to her that it'll even work part." Embry finally said as we were pulling into Quil's.

Quil was outside before the truck even turned off.

"What's going on?" He asked as we both climbed out.

"More missing hikers." Embry told him, making his eyes go wide and look at me. "I need Trina to stay here with you and I'm going to phase and check things out, make sure Sam knows too."

"Looks like all three of us get to skip school today." Quil muttered. "Come on, babe."

He motioned for me to follow him inside. I reached over and kissed Embry once more before he took off into the woods, then I walked inside behind Quil.

"I see you took my advice from yesterday?" Quil laughed as he looked at me. I gave him a confused look, wondering how he knew. He pointed to his nose. Oh, he could smell it.

I blushed. "Uh, yeah." I said nervously pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. I hoped he wasn't jealous in any way.

He reached for me and pulled me into a crushing hug before leaning down to kiss me.

"I'm glad you did." He whispered into my neck after kissing me. "Don't be nervous, babe. I'm not jealous at all. I'll get my own time with you... after you're not so sore."

I hadn't even hardly realized that I actually was sore until he mentioned it.

"So what are we going to do today since we're skipping school?" I asked him.

"We are going to relax until we know something more from Em." He told me, lifting me up bridal style.

I laughed the entire way to the couch in the living room, where he sat down with me on his lap. We watched some TV, ate, and I was half-asleep when I heard a howl from outside the house.

Quil was up in no time.

"Stay here, Trina. Don't even go outside." Quil told me, kissing me before rushing outside.

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