Chapter 3

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We need to go to the Clearwater's." I told him adamantly. I hadn't done that in the other life, I'd been selfish and ran off to Italy. This man had been one of my father's best friends for over twenty years and I'd completely left Charlie alone when he needed me the most.

"We?" He questioned, not sure if he'd heard me right.

"Yes, Embry. You and I. I'm going either way, so if you plan on keeping me safe from two newly phased wolves then I suggest you come with me." I said to him. "You can't keep this from Jacob forever. That doesn't mean you have to tell him right now, but you will have to. I'm not going to let you sacrifice something that affects us both just because Jacob is your best friend and he thinks he has some claim over me."

"Does this mean that you're accepting the imprint, Trina?" He asked me with a serious tone. He must need me to actually say the words.

"I'm accepting the imprint. You still have a lot to tell me about what it encompasses, but I trust you. I've always trusted you. Ever since the moment I met you in the garage with Jake, all the way to when I was sent back here. You might've been one of the only people I never once doubted." I said, reaching forward to put my hand on his arm.

It seemed like something snapped into place inside of him. Like his eyes had a new light to them. The buzzing current that ran through our bodies where we were touching intensified and something shifted inside of me as well. I could feel emotions running through me that I identified as not my own. Excitement, pride, happiness, worry.

He pulled me toward him and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face into my hair, breathing in deeply. It must've been a wolf thing. I'd seen Sam do the same to Emily before and Jake had once told me that Sam had imprinted on her.

As he pulled away from me, he told me, "Just a warning, I'm going to be around a lot more now. I can't stay away since you accepted the imprint."

"I don't want you to stay away. I wish you had told me to begin with, so you have a month's worth of making up to do. Once you've told Jacob you can have Sam rescind the alpha order and -"

"What is it?" He asked as I trailed off.

"I want to keep what I told you just between us. Just because you believe me doesn't me that they will." I told him.

"Sam will have to know so that he can order me not to think about it when I'm phased." He responded. I nodded, letting him know it was okay.

"Do you, uh, happen to know where I parked?" I asked him out of the blue as we began walking back down the trail. "Technically it's been 6 months for my brain, and I don't remember much after I'd jumped considering I had a concussion and Jake drove me home."

"Of course I know where your truck is. Other than my Trina GPS, I can usually hear your truck halfway across the res." He laughed.

"Trina GPS?" I questioned.

"I guess it's an imprint thing, but I know where you are at all times." He explained.


We made it out of the woods to where my truck was parked and I tossed the keys to him considering I didn't know where the Clearwater's lived. He drove us there and I saw Charlie's cruiser sitting out front.

"Seth and Leah are in there, Trina. Their emotions are all over the place right now and Sam has them both in their rooms. Promise you won't get too close to them?" He asked as we got out of the car. I nodded.

"Who all is here?" I asked him, wondering if the pack was.

"Only Sam right now. We're going to have a pack meeting tonight though." He told me as we walked up to the door and knocked.

Charlie opened it and I immediately launched myself into his arms, hugging him tightly. He was surprised to see me but he let himself relax into the hug once the surprise wore off.

"What are you doing here, Trina?" He asked me as he pulled back. I could see the weariness in his eyes.

"I heard about Harry and I needed to come see if there was anything I could do to help you or Sue." I told him.

"I appreciate that, but there's not really much to do other than call around for different things and I think Sue and I have that covered. Can ya—can ya stay on the res, though? In case I need you for something?" He asked me.

"Yeah, dad. Of course. I can hang out with Embry, if that's okay with him?" I turned to ask Embry who smiled at me.

"Sounds good to me." Embry replied happily. I figured that he would.

"Alright, Trina. Thank you for coming by and I'll give Sue your condolences." He told me, sounding worse than I'd ever heard him.

"Dad, are you okay?" I asked him worriedly.

"No, but I will be eventually. Harry and Billy have been my best friends for over twenty years, Trina. It's just hard to imagine one of them really being gone." He replied. "Now go hang out, do whatever teenagers do – not of the illegal or inappropriate nature, got it?"

"Got it, Chief. Trina's in good hands." Embry told him, reaching out to shake his hand. Charlie took it and shook. I swore I saw a moment where Charlie looked between the two of us like he'd just been let in on a secret and it made me wonder what was running through his mind.

We walked back to my truck and I could see Embry saying something too low for me to hear. A moment later Sam walked out of the house. He must've asked him to come out.

"Embry, Trina." Sam said as he approached the two of us. "What's up?"

"She knows." Embry told him. Sam's eyebrows rose and he nodded. "I'm ready for you to rescind the order, just let me tell Jake on my own before you do."

"I can do that. Trina, how did you take the news?" He asked me.

"I was surprised, but I'm totally okay with everything. I've accepted the imprint. I was, however, upset that Embry chose to keep it from me for over a month." I emphasized, looking over at Embry who had paled and was gulping nervously.

"I tried to talk him out of keeping it a secret but I couldn't order him to tell you. I can't order anything that involves imprints directly, otherwise I would have. What happened to make it all come out now?" He asked us both.


"Almost slipped off the edge of the cliff because I got too close and the rock started to give way. Embry saved me. I asked him some questions about how and why and here we are." I had cut off Embry. I didn't want him to know about my almost-jump.

"Well I'm glad that everything is out in the air and now I can finally officially tell you welcome to the pack. All imprints are considered part of the pack. It's not required, but I would like if you came to our pack meetings." Sam told me and I smiled. I was part of the pack.

"Yeah, of course. I'd love to come to the pack meetings. Embry said there's one tonight?" I asked him.

"At 7pm if you don't mind staying on the res. I will warn you, Trina. Now that you've accepted his imprint, you being off the reservation will be much more difficult to him. When Emily lived off the reservation it nearly drove my wolf crazy unless I was close enough to her to be able to protect her if she needed me to. I understand that you're still in school, but it would be very helpful to Embry and the pack if you were able to be in La Push as much as possible outside of school, especially since the redheaded vamp is still after you." Sam instructed me. I'd nearly forgotten about Victoria. I heard Embry growl from beside me and I placed my hand on his arm soothingly.

"Hey, it's alright, I can come down to the res after school and probably every weekend. Charlie didn't mind while I was down here hanging out with Jake all the time." I told them both, making Embry calm down a little.

"Is it alright if we hang out at your place for a little while?" Embry asked him.

"Sure, Emily's there cooking for the pack meeting so I'm sure she'd love the company." Sam replied.

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