Chapter 20

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After school the next day, Embry picked me up. This time he looked extremely nervous.

"So... meeting your dad today?" He asked as I climbed into the truck.

"Yes, Em. Come on, he's already met you and I promise he likes you. It's just going to be the standard father run down." I tried to reassure him but I could still feel his nervousness.

"Quil will be patrolling in the area, probably listening in half the time. He's on edge today." Embry explained to me as he drove my truck toward my house.

"On edge? Did something happen? Is it because you're meeting Charlie as my boyfriend but he isn't?" I questioned him worriedly, hoping it was neither of the two.

"No, no nothing like that. Remember, I told you that it was completely his idea that I be the 'in-public' boyfriend. Trust me, he definitely thinks this is the best idea. Not that he'll ever be ashamed of being with you, I swear. He loves you just as much as I do." He assured me. "And no, nothing happened today, at least that I'm aware of. He said he just has a bad feeling about something. Like he feels like something is going to happen soon. I won't lie, I have about the same feeling. I just can't figure out why."

"But Victoria is gone." I whispered, more to myself than to him. I had so many different scenarios running through my mind of things that had happened in the other timeline.

At this point, we'd changed so many things that nothing should remain the same, but that fear in the back of my mind was there.

"It's okay, Trina. I promise. We'll be able to take care of whatever it could possibly be, you know that." Embry told me with his hand resting on my thigh.

"I know. I trust you." I leaned over and kissed him after we pulled into the driveway. Charlie's cruiser was already parked there so I took a deep breath and looked up at Embry. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be." He kissed me again before getting out of the truck.

He held my hand as we walked to the door, but before we could get all the way onto the porch, his attention shifted to the woods.

"Keep a good perimeter and howl if something happens." He said toward the treeline. I knew he was talking to Quil and that it was because they were both on high alert for some reason.

"Everything okay?" I asked Embry right before we opened the front door.

"Yeah, Quil has Jared and Paul out there with him." He replied. "Come on, Trina."

I opened the door and we walked inside.

"In the living room." I heard Charlie say from around the corner and I looked up at Embry, nodding.

I poked my head around the corner and Charlie looked at me. "I brought someone, Dad."

His eyebrow rose and he said, "Well, bring him in."

I nodded and grabbed Embry's hand, pulling him into the living room with me.

Embry walked in and held his hand out for Charlie to shake. "Chief Swan."

"Embry. Good to see you again, son. Come on in and sit down." Charlie told him.

We took a seat and Embry looked up at Charlie as he rested his hand on my leg again.

"So, I hear things are getting pretty serious between the two of you. Just how serious are we talking, son?" Charlie asked him and I ran my hand over my face in embarrassment.

"As serious as it comes. She's my whole world." Embry responded proudly and without a shadow of a doubt.

"Now I've heard that before and that bastard, left my daughter in the woods to catch hypothermia and die. What's different this time?" Charlie asked him.

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