Chapter 10

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Embry smiled sadly at me as I motioned for him to come over to the bed, taking the spot that Quil had just been occupying.

He sat in the bed, facing opposite of me leaning his elbows on his knees to place his face in his hands.

I got up onto my knees and shimmied across the bed to where I was sitting directly behind him and rested my head on his bare shoulder wondering what was wrong.

After a few moments, he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." He muttered quietly.

"For what?" I questioned, wondering where this had all come from.

"I heard you and Quil in the woods while I was patrolling." He whispered. I took in a sharp breath. I hadn't meant for him to hear that...


"You are worth it, Trina. You're worth everything in the entire universe and more." He said, still not looking up.

"Embry, look at me." I pulled on his shoulder so that he had no choice but to turn to look directly at me. Finally, his eyes met mine. "You're worth it too. I was just upset that you didn't think you were. Can't you see that I can be happier with you and Quil than I ever could be with Edward or even Jacob? I need you. Jacob once told me that an imprint is like finding the other half of your soul. You and Quil are the other parts of my soul and I've always needed you both to be whole."

"I keep thinking about how I should've just told you when it happened. We would've had more time. I would've had more time with you." He told me.

"I think I'm the only one here who gets the free time-travel pass. We'll be alright, Embry. We have the rest of ours lives now." I giggled, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Now come here and lay down."

I patted the pillow where he would be sleeping, and he did as I asked. Once he was lying back in the bed, I moved his arm and snuggled into his chest just enjoying the feeling of him breathing in and out.

"The rest of our lives, huh? That sounds pretty nice." He murmured, holding me tightly to his side.

"I agree. Just think, you're here now and you have a warm bed to sleep in." I said into his chest.

"Mhmm. A warm bed with my imprint in it. Can't get much better than that."

He turned onto his side and moved down to where he was eyelevel with me. He smiled at me for a second before I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.

This time Embry wasn't hesitant and gentle. He took charge, flipping me over onto my back and hovering over me. His lips clashed with mine in such an amazing way and before I knew it, our tongues were fighting for dominance as well.

I was definitely enjoying this other side of Embry. He was passionate and I could feel just how excited it made him emotionally and physically.

He broke away from me and fell back to my side after a few minutes. I turned back on my side and pouted at him.

"Sorry Trina, didn't want to get too carried away." He said, rubbing his hands down his face.

"You don't see me complaining..." I muttered in response.

He groaned and looked at the ceiling. "Trina." He let out a breath. "That's just not fair. I'm trying to be good and you go and say things like that..."

"What if I don't want good right now?" I whispered into his ear, not failing to see goosebumps appear on his skin at my words.

"Okay, now you're officially trying to kill me." He leaned back over and kissed me again before resting his forehead against mine and letting out a breath. "You know I want you, I think that's pretty obvious by now."

"I'm sensing there's a 'but' coming." I spoke and he chuckled.

"But I'm not going to let both of our first times be fumbling around trying to be quiet because your dad is sleeping downstairs." His logic definitely made sense. I nodded to him. "Not to mention, I think Quil might be a little jealous if we didn't at least give him some sort of heads up first."

I blushed bright red, knowing that he was right. The thoughts running through my mind when I thought of having two imprints...

"You're right." I whispered honestly. "But just so you know, I definitely loved how you just took charge... that was hot."

He groaned again and I almost felt bad for teasing him. I pushed him back on his back and I took my place laying on his chest and lifting my leg to rest overtop of his.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, you know that?" He whispered, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of my head.

"I'm not that great..." I replied.

"You're everything." He told me.

I stayed quiet, knowing that nothing more needed to be said.

We drifted off to sleep together and somehow changed positions in the middle of the night to where he was spooning me with his arm wrapped protectively around my middle, holding me tightly to him. His face rested in the crook of my neck, buried in my hair and I was loving every second of it.

Embry & Quil Jr's  Imprint Where stories live. Discover now