Chapter 17

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Trina's POV

Once we were on our way, I finally asked Quil what he'd done to warrant getting injured and he told me everything. We made it to Sam's in near record time. I jumped out of the truck and ran inside as fast as I could, immediately seeing where they had Embry laid out on the couch on top of towels.

I could see the horrific looking cuts on the tops of both his arms, no longer bleeding but still tore open almost like claw marks.

Emily ran back down the stairs carrying a first aid kit and I kneeled beside the couch with Quil directly behind me.

"He's going to be okay, Trina." Sam told me, reaching down to place his hand on my shoulder. "He's already starting to heal. They will be scars though."

I grabbed the first aid kit from Emily and reached for some alcohol wipes. I knew I couldn't do anything more for him other than clean the dried blood that had ran all the way down his arms and chest but I felt the need to do it.

"Let's give them some room." Sam told the others.

Embry's eyes began to flutter open as I worked to clean the blood away.

"Trina?" He asked upon seeing me tending to him.

"What were you thinking, Embry? When I told you there needed to be a distraction, I didn't mean you!" I scolded him. He knew I was angry.

"We got her, didn't we?" He replied.

"She could've killed you so easily! You go and get angry with me, telling me not to be the sacrificial lamb and then go and do it yourself! Do you realize what it would do to me if you'd died?" I nearly broke down next to him.

"You still would've had Quil..." He murmured to me.

My outrage tripled at his statement. I stood up and turned to Quil.

"I need some air. Can you finish cleaning him up?" I asked him and he nodded.

I walked outside and sat on the porch fuming with anger at my imprint.

Quill's POV

I leaned down and grabbed the supplies Trina had started using to clean Embry and looked at him shaking my head.

"That was not the right thing to say, Em. She's pissed big time." I told him.

"It was the truth." He replied to me having no clue how much I wanted to hit him in that moment.

"You think she would've been okay with me alone? She needs both of us, even I'm not stupid enough not to realize that. Hell, she needs you more than she needs me. I can't give her what you can. Obviously the spirits knew that otherwise we wouldn't have both imprinted on her. You're an idiot if you think anything different." I growled at him.

"I did it to protect her. It was the only way." He responded in clear pain.

I knew then that I would've done the same thing if I were in his position if it meant protecting Bella.

"I can't blame you for doing it, but did you really have to go and tell Trina that she would've still had me if you didn't make it? It would've destroyed both of us and don't tell me that you didn't know that." I told him angrily.

"I'm sorry. What else can I say? I'm alive, I didn't die so there's no reason to make such a big deal out of it. It was just a hypothetical situation that didn't actually play out." He attempted.

"It was the thought of it, bro. I don't think a 'sorry' is going to cut it with how angry she is right now. You made her think of what she would do without you and it's hurting her bad. I know you can feel it too." I said as I finished up. "You're going to have to grovel after that shit."

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