Chapter 1

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The night before my wedding to Edward Cullen, I heard a soft knock at the door. It was early in the morning before anyone was supposed to be back from hunting. Only Carlisle had stayed with me but I knew he was in his study and wouldn't have interrupted my sleep for any reason. I hadn't been asleep anyways; I had been thinking the whole night.

I climbed out of the bed and opened the door, surprised that at who was standing on the other side.

It was Jasper.

"Trina, I'm sorry if I've woken you but I felt the need to speak with you before tomorrow." Jasper spoke in his southern drawl.

"Yeah, of course. Come in." I told him, stepping aside to let him in. "I wasn't asleep anyways so it's fine. Aren't you supposed to be out hunting with the others though?"

"I hunted and came back early. It was imperative I talk to you without the... outside influence... if you will." He explained. So without the others listening. Got it.

"What is it that you needed to talk to me about?" I questioned curiously. I wondered if he'd felt my hesitation.

"You know about my abilities, Trina. I feel like I need to be completely honest with you about some of the things I've felt, both from you and others. As you well know, emotions can't lie." He began, making me wonder where this was headed.

"You can feel my doubts, can't you?" I asked him, swallowing nervously.

"I can." He replied. "I've felt them ever since we returned to Forks."

"I didn't realize..." I muttered.

"I was... kept from speaking with you about them. I felt I couldn't continue to ignore it any longer." He explained as my eyebrows rose.

"Who?" I questioned, wondering if was Alice or Edward.

"I'm not at liberty to say." He replied curtly. So both then. "This is not a life you can enter having any doubts, Trina. There is so much more that you'll lose if you choose this life. More than you realize."

"You said there were others?" I questioned.

"There are others who would be willing to give their lives for you, to give anything for you. I've never felt such strong bonds before." He explained. Was it Jacob? He had said others, as in more than one. He obviously didn't want to say names, so I didn't ask.

"Does Edward know?"

He nodded solemnly.

"La Push?" I questioned, hoping I'd get a little more information. "It's why he kept me from the reservation, wasn't it? It's the wolves."

He didn't say anything, so I knew I was right.

"There is... another option." He spoke, confusing me.

"What other option do I have? I can't stay human. The Volturi will come for me and all of you—"

"There's an option where the Volturi won't ever come into the picture." Jasper told me.

"How? They've already—"

"Time travel, sugar." A vampire with red eyes that I'd never seen before sped in through the door. She was short with a red pixie cut and a southern accent like Jasper's.

"Time travel?" I questioned, not quite believing it.

"Well not exactly time travel, but I can send your consciousness back to the moment your current future was decided." She explained to me.

"Charlotte is part of my family from before the Cullens. Charlotte and Peter Whitlock. No one but us know about her gift and we'd prefer it to stay that way, too many people would use it to their advantage. If you want this option, you'll have to choose quickly Trina. The others won't be long now." Jasper told me.

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