Chapter 9

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"So does this mean that we're stepping up in the whole 'no labels' thing? Cus I feel like it definitely qualifies." Quil asked with a chuckle as he pulled away.

I giggled. "I'm your imprint, that's the only label I need. It means more than any conventional labels anyways. Now it's your turn to go get ready." I told Quil. He nodded and kissed me once more, just a quick peck, and then walked to the stairs.

Embry came up behind me and held my hips. "You're right, you know. An imprint means so much more than any other potential labels. Our very souls are connected to yours in the most incredible way."

His lips pressed against the juncture of my neck and shoulder. I sucked in a breath. He moved his lips upward, pressing soft kisses until he reached the back of my ear. My entire body was tingling at the contact, spreading warmth down my spine as my eyes closed. I could feel his emotions, the excitement, the happiness, the lust.

When he pulled away, I felt the immediate loss of contact like I'd been doused in cold water. I wanted the feeling back.

"Too soon." He whispered into my ear before turning me around to face him. My mouth formed an 'o' and I nodded. I understood what he meant.

Embry and I talked a little while longer before Quil came back down from getting ready. I had to admit that both of my guys looked pretty great all dressed up, even if it was for a terrible circumstance.

It was getting close to time for the ceremony so we began walking down to the beach where it would be held at.

My imprints stood on either side of me near my father as tales were told about death being the next adventure and how Harry would be alive in spirit forever more, guiding us on our way.

When it was over, Charlie told me that he'd meet me at home. The look on his face was heartbreaking and I wished I could make it better. I knew that only time would heal him.

Too soon it was time for Embry to patrol. After everyone had left from the ceremony, the three of us had made our way into the forest so that he could phase without being seen by wandering people still on the beach.

He began unbuttoning his shirt and then turned to throw it to me with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Hold these for me? Don't want to shred my good clothes." He began taking off his pants as well. I couldn't keep my eyes off him as he did so. He was still wearing boxers but I admired the view nonetheless.

I gulped and nodded to him as he tossed me his pants while Quil just chuckled at the situation.

"You'll come to my house tonight?" I asked Embry before he phased.

"If you want me to." He replied.

"You better be there. And inside the house, not in the woods. Got it?" I told him pointedly, making him smile brightly.

"Got it. See you at 10." He said before phasing plenty far enough away from me and running into the forest.

Quil looked at me and placed his hand in mine as we walked back.

"You know it makes me feel better that Embry will be with you tonight." Quil said to me truthfully as we continued to walk. I looked over at him with a curious expression causing him to continue. "It was hard for him – beyond hard – to stay away from you after he imprinted. I won't lie, I don't like having to stay home while you're so far away, but I at least know that you'll be safe. I know that I won't have to deal with the same pain that he had."

"I hate that he kept it from me for so long. It was one thing to keep it to himself because of his friendship with Jacob. I mean, you both have been his best friends since birth, but to think that in my other timeline the both of you didn't say anything even after I was back with Edward. I just – I don't know how to handle that. If he was in that type of pain with me still being single, I can't even begin to imagine what type of pain the both of you were in when I was going to marry your natural enemy then eventually become one of them... It makes me feel like I wasn't worth it, you know? Embry wasn't even going to tell me this time until he had no choice but to say something. I've forgiven him but it still hurts." I confessed to him.

He took a deep breath. I knew that I had just unloaded a lot on him, and I felt bad for it.

"I've been in his head, Trina. He legitimately thought he was doing the right thing. It wasn't just about Jake, he knew that you weren't over doucheward and he didn't want to pressure you with the whole imprint thing. I can understand it now. I can't say about how we would've been in your other timeline or why we chose to keep it from you even after you were engaged to that controlling piece of shit. We probably didn't know it was that bad. We probably thought that you were happy and that's all we want for you as your imprints. We would give anything for you. I know I, for one, would have been pissed as shit about you marrying him but I wouldn't have stopped it if it made you happy. Maybe Embry would've eventually told you about the imprint if he'd gotten the chance before you got back with Cullen." He explained to me.

His words suddenly made sense of Embry's hesitancy in telling me. I hadn't realized the extent of just how far they were willing to go to make sure I was happy. I didn't know that when Embry said they'd do anything, that they really would do anything, even let me marry and subsequently turn into their sworn enemy.

"Thank you for explaining that out for me... I didn't understand how much the two of you would be willing to sacrifice for my happiness." I told him quietly. "Quil, I want you to know that it would make me happy for the both of you to do what you want to do. Sometimes what I need doesn't always make me happy. I want both of you to be happy too. This whole keeping things from me won't ever be the right thing. If you ever need anything from me, I don't want you to be afraid to ask. The imprint goes both ways. It's not just about me. I'm going to tell Embry the same thing tonight." I said to him, stopping to make sure my point came across seriously.

He looked at me with an unreadable expression before pulling me into his arms and resting his forehead against mine. No words were needed. A few moments later, he lifted up and kissed my forehead before we continued to walk again.

Before I knew it, we ended up in the clearing where my truck was parked at the Clearwater's. I hadn't even noticed that we were walking somewhere other than Quil's house.

He opened the passenger door for me and then climbed into the driver's seat. It was a quiet ride home, but he kept his hand resting on my thigh while I leaned my head against his shoulder. It was exactly what I needed.

When we arrived back at my house, he parked the truck in the driveway. Charlie was already home but I wasn't quite ready for Quil to leave yet. I left Embry's clothes in my truck and got out.

He climbed out of the truck and I walked over to him. "I need to make an appearance with Charlie for a few minutes but will you come up to my room? You know, the, uh, other way?" I asked him.

He smiled at my suggestion. "I'll be up there waiting for you and I'll be sure to be quiet."

I leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before walking inside to see Charlie. When I got inside I heard the TV on but when I walked into the living room, I saw that Charlie was asleep in his recliner. I smiled sadly at him and grabbed a blanket off the couch, throwing it over him. I knew that he was tired enough to sleep the whole night in the recliner and I wasn't strong enough to move him to the bed.

I walked upstairs and was happy to see that Quil had done as I asked and was lounging in my bed.

"You know, I didn't know it was possible to be completely soaked in happiness but that's exactly what your room is making me feel. Your scent is everywhere and my wolf can't get enough." He told me quietly but I could feel his excitement over it.

I smiled and took off my shoes, walking over to the bed to climb in next to him, not even bothering to take off the dress.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked after a moment while I curled into his side.

"I want you to tell me more about yourself. I want to know everything." I whispered to him.

He began telling me his life story and I listened intently, only interrupting if I had a question. It was so normal but intimate at the same time. I completely loved it. He talked until Embry swung in through my window.

"That's my cue. I'll see you tomorrow. I have to patrol after school but I'll be there after." Quil told me, leaning over to kiss me sweetly before standing up. He gave Embry their handshake and nodded to him before jumping out the window.

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