Chapter 11

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When I woke in the morning, it was to a cold and empty bed. I frowned at the thought. I already wanted one of my imprints back in the bed with me. Was this how it was going to be from now on? I felt like I couldn't possibly sleep alone now that I'd had a taste of the comfort, security, and warmth that came with snuggling at least one of my boys. My boys? No. My wolves.

I knew that it would be difficult considering all three of us still had school. School. I suddenly remembered that I still had a month left of school. I'd already been graduated in my other timeline. Just a month. I can do that. Both Embry and Quil had another year left though.

I almost slightly panicked at the thought. How would that work? With the whole proximity issue and their responsibility to the pack, I couldn't dare try to take them away from the reservation. I needed to find another way. At least they were both 17 already. Well, Quil's birthday was a week away and then he'd be 17.

At that very moment I realized that I was extremely glad I'd gotten over my fear of cougarism. I was no longer afraid of being older than my other 2/3. I was 18, Embry was 17, and Quil was still 16 (for a week). They also wouldn't age until they stopped phasing either, though they both already looked around 20 from their massive growth spurts when turning wolf.

I briefly wondered if being an imprint gave you the same aging rate as your wolf (or in my case, wolves). I then quickly dismissed the thought as being outrageous. An imprint wouldn't change my biology.

I got ready for school, called Charlie to make sure he knew about my new job at Joy's store, and hopped in my truck. Halfway through the day, I realized that I hadn't done this work before in the other timeline. Then I remembered that I'd been on an impromptu 3 day vacation instead.

My chest had ached the whole day. It was a pulling sensation, one I couldn't get rid of. I knew it was because of the imprints and I just hoped that they were faring better than me.

I hadn't even realized the pull in my chest had lessened considerably until I walked out to my truck and saw Embry leaning up against it, shirtless and waiting for me.

I heard the whispers begin but I didn't care at all. This second chance at life taught me how not to listen to silly teenage girls. I smiled as I walked up to him.

Without a second thought, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me passionately, right in front of everyone in the parking lot before whispering in my ear. "You did tell me that you liked seeing me 'take charge'."

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks and leaned in to kiss him one more time.

"What about Quil?" I asked him curiously, knowing that if the school thought I was Embry's girlfriend then it would be a ton of drama if they saw me with Quil too.

"He was the one who suggested it." Embry replied, pointing to the woods across from the parking lot where I subconsciously knew Quil was standing as a wolf.

"So Quil suggested that you show off the fact that I'm with you to my whole school?" He nodded. "What about him? I'm with you both."

"He figured that it would be better if we only went with one of us in public right now so that it would kill some of the gossip and not make it so hard for you the last month of school. Not to mention that if your dad ever caught us in your bed, it would be easier to explain if he already knew I was your boyfriend considering I'm the one of us sleeping there at night." Embry explained.

I had to admit that it was the better option, at least at the moment. We'd have to out it in the future at some point.

"Sleeping with me on school nights. Weekends I get Quil because you get me all week and get to be my 'in public' boyfriend. Got it?" I stated after we got into the truck.

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