I wondered what Embry's response to that would be and I looked at him with worry and intrigue.

"With all due respect, sir, Edward Cullen was a sick and controlling freak. He wouldn't let Trina make her own decisions and she and I have talked about that. I'll never do that to her. She makes her own decisions and the fact that she chose me means more to me than anything in the entire universe. If she ever decided that she wanted something different, I'd respect that without question. I love her with every part of me. I promise I'll always keep her safe and make sure she's happy, even if it's the last thing I do."

I was nearly in tears hearing his words. I sat there in awe of him, never loving him more than I did at that very moment.

Even Charlie sat, shocked at Embry's confession. He rubbed his mustache and looked over at me before looking back at Embry. "That's some deep stuff there for a 17 year old. How do you know you won't change your mind later on down the road?"

"Not even a remote possibility. It's difficult for me to explain, but there's something more between us. She's my other half without a doubt. It feels almost... supernatural in a way." Embry looked down at me and smiled as I suppressed a giggle at his true statement.

"I'd say. The way you two look at each other seems like a lot more than just some teenage romance." Charlie replied. "And you swear you'll take care of my daughter?"

"More than anything." Embry responded.

Out of nowhere, we all heard a howl, followed by two more coming from outside.

Embry stood immediately, pulling me up to stand behind him.

"What the hell was that? Are those wolves?" Charlie asked, standing up as well and grabbing his shotgun.

"Yes, Charlie, but they're not dangerous. At least not to us." Embry told him adamantly.

"Not dangerous? How could you know that? They're wolves." Charlie replied in clear confusion. Embry looked back at me, closing his eyes. I could see in that moment that he'd made a decision.

"So am I." Embry told him.

Before Charlie could respond, Embry led us both toward the back door.

Looking through the window, I could see the three wolves approaching in the yard, growling at something just behind the tree.

Charlie tried to push past him with his gun loaded but Embry held him back. "You have to stay here."

"What is it Embry?" I asked him worriedly.

"A Cullen."

I sucked in a breath as he opened the door.

"Charlie, please stay inside." Embry asked him.

"Like hell I am, son." Charlie replied immediately.

"Then stay behind me." Embry told him before the three of us walked outside. "I'm going to phase, Trina. Keep your dad far enough away. I'm staying with you both, but I need to be able to hear what's going on."

"What the hell does he mean by 'phase'?" Charlie asked me with extreme confusion.

"Just watch, dad, and stay with me. Don't use the gun." I begged him. He was hesitant, but he stayed with me as we both watched Embry walk forward and take off his shirt and shorts.

Charlie's eyes went wide and looked at me like a crazy person. I motioned for him to look back at Embry just as he phased into his wolf.

I heard Charlie grab his gun again, pointing it at my wolf and I put my hand on it, pushing it down.

"Trina, what the hell is going on?" Charlie asked me worriedly.

"Calm down, dad. It's still Embry, and that's Quil, Jared, and Paul. They're going to protect us." I explained to him.

"Protect? Trina, they're giant wolves! All these 'animal attacks'... baby, put two and two together!"

"They're not what's causing the animal attacks, dad! They're protecting us from what is! They're protectors." I told him as Embry turned to walk up to us.

I walked forward and ran my fingers through Embry's fur as Charlie watched in complete disbelief.

I wondered how Sam would react to Embry spilling their secret, but it was too late now.

"You realize I'm going to need some answers after this, right?" Charlie whispered to me.

"I know, dad."

Embry turned and growled at someone coming out from behind the tree.

It was Alice.

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