"Well he wasn't wrong. I was just so worried about him." I spoke quietly.

"He's a wolf, babe. He'll be fine." Quil reassured me.

"I'm still mad at him," I whispered.

"I know. He's wallowing about it, but I told him that you just need time." He replied, holding me close.

"I don't want to be mad... I just can't believe – "

"I know, babe." He leaned down and kissed my head. "Why don't you get some sleep, you have school tomorrow."

"I'm not going to school tomorrow."

"You have to go, Bella. You already missed once. Charlie is going to find out if you miss again." He told me.

"Fine. By the way, Charlie did find out something. We had a nice talk about it when I got home." I muttered to him.

"What was it?"

"He found out about Embry being my 'boyfriend'." I giggled.

"Oh did he? What did he say?" Quil asked curiously.

"He definitely gave me the 'make sure you use protection' talk." I laughed. "It was so embarrassing."

"Which talk was more embarrassing? Your dad or my mom?" He chuckled.

"My dad, definitely. Your mom at least knows about the imprint. Although she also knows that I have two boyfriends that I'll be having sex with instead of just one..."

He groaned. "If your dad wasn't here..."

"Mhmm. I think we'd definitely need to be somewhere private. I have a feeling I won't be quiet..."

"Fuck Trina..." I knew my teasing was probably torturing him.

"Tomorrow after work... you can have me," I whispered to him. He groaned again and held me tighter.

"Tomorrow cannot come soon enough." He said huskily. "Now let's go to sleep so that it comes even sooner."

I giggled. "Goodnight, Quil."

"Goodnight, Trina."

I snuggled into him and finally fell asleep easily. I was sad when I woke up in the morning and he wasn't there, but I knew that he also had school... if he was even going today.

My day in school went by way too slowly and I was counting the seconds until the final bell rang. It finally did and I made my way outside.

To my surprise, Embry was standing there, leaning up against my truck like he had been. This time he was wearing a shirt and I knew it was because of his new scars.

When I got up to him, he gave me a sad look before carefully wrapping his arms around me. I sagged into him and wrapped my arms back around his torso.

"Come on, we can talk on the road." He said as he grabbed my keys out of my pocket and opened the passenger door for me.

We both climbed in and he started driving down the road.

"I'm sorry." He stated as we drove. "I know I shouldn't have said it, shouldn't have thought it. I was so worried about keeping you safe that it made all rational thought leave me."

"I just don't understand how you could've ever thought that I would even remotely be okay without you. Just because I have two imprints doesn't mean that I can live without one of them. I love you so much." I told him honestly.

"I wasn't in my right mind, Trina. You know I love you more than anything else in the world." He replied.

"If you ever pull that crap on me again, Embry Call, I won't be nearly as forgiving. Got it?" I told him adamantly.

He looked over at me with a sad smile and nodded. "I promise the thought will never cross my mind again."

When we got down to Joy's store, I scooted closer to Embry and reached up, tilting his face toward me. I leaned forward and kissed him sweetly, letting him know things would be okay.

Before I went into work, I lifted the sleeve of his shirt and inspected the damage. Quil was right, there were large scars. I leaned forward and kissed them too.

"I know they're not pretty—"

"I think they make you look even more handsome. Rugged." I winked at him before getting out of the truck.

Work passed by quickly and it was over before I knew it. I hadn't gotten off until 8 and Embry had started patrol at 7 so it was Quil's turn to pick me up.

I walked outside where he was waiting for me by my truck, smirking.

No one was around so I stepped in between his legs and he leaned in, kissing me.

"I've waited for this all day." He muttered before ushering me into the truck.

I was already excited at the prospect.

Embry & Quil Jr's  Imprint Where stories live. Discover now