I was met by silence.

"Do it." Sam finally ordered them. "But Embry, if she gets too close, I'm ordering you to get out of there."

I mentally agreed, not like I had a choice to considering it was an alpha order.

"Break off and surround at a distance." Sam ordered the rest of them.

They did as he said and I was left alone chasing after the leech.

"Awww the lone puppy chasing a ghost. Did your friends finally realize they're not going to catch me?" Victoria said from the treetops. "Your girlfriend's true mate might be a bit disappointed to know that she's been fucking a dog in his absence."

I growled deeply and stopped on the spot in the middle of the forest taking a deep breath before doing what I'd planned.

I phased back human.

My actions made her stop in the tree tops and look down at me. "Oh, somebody has a death wish. Did you finally realize she'll never be yours?"

"She's definitely mine and I'll do whatever is necessary to keep her safe." I replied honestly out loud.

"It's cute how you think dying will keep her safe. I'll just go for her after I'm done with you." She cackled before jumping down from the tree in front of me. "How does she taste? Her scent is so mouthwatering. I can't wait to try it for myself..."

She inched toward me until she was close enough to almost touch me. Her fingers began trailing up my arms in a sickening way. How was I possibly defying Sam's alpha order to phase?

"It's too bad, really. You wolves are so... pretty." She whispered as her head neared my neck.

Out of nowhere, the rest of the pack showed up surrounding her as planned, charging directly after her.

She noticed and looked up to the tree branch just ahead.

I took the only opportunity I could think of. I phased on the spot before she could jump. My phasing suddenly distracted her just long enough that I could pin her down under my front paws.

It was a distraction from all angles.

I didn't even pay attention to the intense pain emanating from both of my arms as I wrapped my teeth around her head and tore it directly from her shoulders.

I slowly stepped away with her head still in my mouth, growling as I let my brothers finish off the rest of her.

Once her limbs were all in a pile and Sam had phased out to light a match, I sauntered up to the newly lit fire and dropped her head in.

"It's done." I muttered before feeling the world start spinning around me.

Quil POV-

As soon as I heard the howl, I ran out the door and phased on the spot.

"What is it? What's happening?" I yelled frantically into the pack mind, immediately noticing the absence of Embry.

"It's done, we got her." Jared replied to me. I felt a huge unbelievable relief.

"Where's Embry?" I questioned immediately.

"That's why I called for you. He's hurt, man. It's not life-threatening, but his arms look pretty torn up. The leech scratched him pretty good on both of his arms as he was phasing." Jared responded.

He then showed me the memory of exactly what happened, and I growled at the complete and utter stupidity of my best friend.

"Sam is taking him to his house. Bring Trina." Paul told me.

"On our way." I replied before phasing out right away.

I ran back inside, not caring a bit about my nakedness considering I shredded my shorts when I phased.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Trina asked me worriedly as I ran inside.

"Grab your shoes, we're going to Sam's." I told her before running up to my room and grabbing a new pair of shorts.

I ran back downstairs to see Trina standing next to the front door waiting for me.

"Quil, tell me what happened?" She demanded as I pulled her out the door.

"They got her." I replied. I could feel her relief then immediate worry.

"What else?" She knew I hadn't told her everything.

I took a deep breath. "Em got hurt. They're taking him to Sam's."

"What?! Embry's hurt? Is he going to be okay?" She asked me frantically.

"Jared said it's not life-threatening but his arms are scratched up pretty bad." I told her honestly.

"Then let's go." She replied with absolution, climbing into the truck.

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