Embry chuckled. "Fair enough. I have to admit that I slept better last night than I ever have in my whole life, even if I had to get up when Charlie did incase he decided to check on you."

"I assumed that you had but I was still disappointed to wake up with you gone and my bed cold." I fake pouted and batted my eyelashes at him before bursting out laughing at his expression.

"Don't tempt me, Trina. I'd be more than willing to get caught by your dad if it means I can stay until you wake up." He told me. I didn't doubt that for a second.

"I'm sure you would. You know, there's nothing saying that you couldn't come back after Charlie leaves for work..." I murmured into his shoulder as he drove us back down to the reservation.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind for tomorrow." Embry replied with a smile.

We made it onto the reservation and Embry immediately took me to Joy's store and dropped me off with a kiss.

When I walked in, Joy greeted me with a hug and began showing me what I would be doing.

"So how has it been, you know, being an imprint? And with two of the boys instead of just one." Joy asked me as we worked on restocking.

"It's been great, honestly. They're both so... important to me in such a deep way. It's hard to be away from them, especially at school today." I explained to her.

"Hmm. That's probably why Quil and Embry left school about 15 minutes early today." I gave her a questioning look. "The principal is one of my good friends. The pack has certain privileges about missing school which is why they're both granted permission to graduate this year, but I didn't know what it was that made them leave early today. It must've been you." Joy informed me. My eyes widened when I heard her say they'd both be graduating this year...

"I didn't know they were going to graduate this year?" I spoke.

"I'm sure it probably just skipped their minds, honey. I truly don't think that they could've waited in school for the whole next year with your imprints being as strong as they are. I'm honestly surprised they didn't leave sooner." She responded. I'd have to ask them both later why they didn't tell me.

We worked for a little while before Joy looked back up at me. "I'm surprised that Quil didn't have more trouble last night. I thought he'd mentioned being so far away, especially at night, would be difficult?"

"Quil told me that he wouldn't have it as difficult because of where Em-" I caught myself before I could spill.

"Because why, Trina?" Joy asked, trying to get me to answer.

I took a deep breath. "Because Embry is staying with me at night. Well, the nights that I'm at home." I mentioned, hoping that she would not be angry about Embry staying with me.

"Ah, I understand. It's alright, honey. I figured that one if not both of them would need to keep you close at night. I'm only 37, I remember how it was like at that age. I'm not blind as to what will eventually happen. Just make sure I'm not in the house for anything other than sleeping." Joy replied making me blush deeply.

I hadn't expected to have the sex talk with Quil's mom, especially this soon or while at work. That goes without saying that I was extremely happy at how cool she was with the idea. She knew what was going to happen and she wasn't trying to stop it.

"Uh, yeah, um, definitely." I muttered embarrassingly.

I continued to do my part at the store for a couple more hours before Embry came and picked me back up. I wasn't there long because Joy had considered it a day of learning and that I'd start my real schedule the next day.

Embry asked me if I wanted to go for a walk on the beach while we waited for Quil to be off patrol. I told him that it would be a wonderful idea and we made our way down the black sandy path.

I had Embry tell me more about himself, just as I had with Quil the night before. Learning all of these new things about my imprints made me happy. Well, most of them. Some of Embry's memories weren't the happiest but I was determined to give him a much better future than past.

Soon enough, Quil came out of the woods while Embry and I were walking barefoot in the tide. I turned to see him, just in time for him to pick me up and hook my legs around his waist, kissing me about a million times while I giggled. Embry just stood there chuckling happily at the scene.

Quil finally put me down, a bit reluctantly, and kissed me again for good measure before a stronger wave crashed into the back of my legs causing me to lurch forward, taking down not only myself but Quil too. Of course my klutziness would rear its giant head... in the freezing cold ocean.

All three of us were laughing loudly as Embry tried to hoist me up off of Quil. At least he and Embry didn't feel the freezing water like I did.

"Bro, I think we might need to grab Trina some dry clothes." Embry told Quil as he finally got up. At that point, my teeth were chattering and the wind was making me 10x colder.

"Come on, let's get to my place and I'll get her some warm clothes." Quil replied, snaking his arm around my waist in an effort to keep me warm while we walked through the woods to his house.

Once we made it there, Quil ran upstairs motioning for me to follow him. After leading me to the bathroom to take a hot shower, he handed me a towel and a dry set of sweats which I assumed were his.

After I had warmed up substantially in the shower, I got out and dressed in the dry sweats. They definitely were Quil's. I knew because they smelled like him. Now I'd get the joy of telling them both the awkward conversation that I'd had with Joy at the store.

Embry & Quil Jr's  Imprint Where stories live. Discover now