"I obviously know what happened on my end, so why don't you guys fill me in on everything else?" Quil spoke first.

"I guess I'll start from earlier today... So something happened to me that is even stranger than having two wolves imprint on you." Trina began. Quil looked over at me with a confused expression and I nodded to him, confirming what Trina had said.

"What could be stranger than that?" Quil asked her quickly.

"Uh, being sent back in time?" Trina replied nervously.

"Sent back in time?" He questioned with his eyebrows raised.

"I'm sure I sound crazy and I don't even know how Embry can believe it, but I was 6 months in the future this morning, or at least my consciousness was... it was August 12th for me." She told him. I reached over and squeezed her leg, letting her know it was okay to tell him where she was at the time. "It was the night before my wedding..."

Quil's eyes glanced to me and back to Trina.

"To who?" He questioned worriedly. I knew he was going to take it just like I had.

"...Edward Cullen."

Quil growled and I gave him a look that meant he needed to calm down.

"I didn't know about the imprints, Quil. I didn't know either of you had imprinted on me, if you even did in that other life. If you did then no one ever bothered to mention it to me. Trust me, I was upset enough that Embry had kept his imprint from me for a month." I winced at her words. "But for me to think that in the other life neither one of you ever told me? You both were just going to let me marry someone else, someone who is your sworn enemy?"

Quil and I both paled.

"I'm sorry. I just kind of realized that and I'm really only getting mad at your future selves from a timeline that can't even exist now. It's been a long day..." Trina sighed. "Listen. Embry, I get that Jake's one of your best friends and that you didn't want him to be upset. Quil, Embry and Jake are your best friends which makes it even harder. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of internal hurricane is going on right now for both of you, but we have to work together. All three of us."

I nodded in agreement.

"I don't get how you can possibly be so calm about all of this." Quil responded after a moment.

"Quil, you and Embry are giant wolves. I dated – almost married – a vampire. Now we can add consciousness time travel and a double imprint onto it. I learned a long time ago that nothing is impossible and the only thing I can do is roll with the punches and make the best of it." She explained. I had to admit I was amazed. Truly amazed.

"Roll with the punches. I can do that." Quil said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself.

"Alright. So you both imprinted on me. What's next?" Trina asked.

"I think the first thing we need to figure out is what you want from us, Trina. Like I told you before, we'll be anything you want or need us to be. Anything. But it's up to you." I reminded her.

"Why don't we just take things as they go? Like not put a label on anything yet. We've been friends for months now already. I know you both. I trust you both." She replied. "Oh and Quil?" he looked up at her, "I accept your imprint."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth it was like something snapped into place for all three of us. I couldn't explain it, but I felt even more connected to Trina than before. It was like my wolf had been waiting for the last piece of the puzzle to finally have the full picture.

"Whoa. That was a rush." Quil said before standing up and walking directly over to Trina, pulling her to standing position before wrapping his arms around her and breathing in her scent, just as I had when she'd accepted my imprint.

After a minute, he pulled away. "I'm totally sorry for just kind of ambushing you like that. I couldn't really help it." He then turned to me. "Bro, is it just me or does she smell like the best thing you've ever smelled in your life?"

"Definitely not just you. I agree one hundred percent." I told him. It was true. She smelled like the best thing in the world.

"I've been told I smell like some type of supernatural drug before." Trina said, embarrassed.

"This is on a whole different level, Trina." I told her honestly.

"Okay, so let's get back to the no labels, go with the flow thing." Quil said. "How is that going to work because I seriously feel like if Bella leaves the res, my wolf is going to flip shit. And you know, she kind of lives off the res."

I knew he'd freak out about it. Hell, even I was still freaking out about it. It'd been hard enough to stay away before and even then, I was spending most nights laying in the forest next to her house as a wolf.

"Work in progress." I muttered to him.

"I've already told Embry and Sam that I'd try to be down here as much as possible outside of school. Maybe if I got a job here or something?" Trina suggested.

"My mom has been trying to find some help for the store... she knows about the pack, so she'll know about the imprints too." Quil offered. It was a good idea.

"Do you think she'd hire me?" Trina asked him.

"Definitely. You're my imprint. She'll understand why we need to have you here and she'll get the help she needs at the store." Quil was excited, I could tell. "Mom's gonna love you."

"Maybe I can meet her tomorrow?" Trina asked.


"So hopefully that's one thing out of the way." I mentioned.

"Are we all good?" She asked the both of us. Quil and I looked at each other and nodded in an unspoken agreement.

"We're good, Trina." I told her with a smile. "We'll figure it all out."

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