68. " Stone Head".

Start from the beginning

Cocooned in the cozy embrace of their shared bed, Taehyung held y/n close, his arms a secure shield around her. Their voices intertwined in a soothing symphony as they exchanged tales of their day, relishing the comfort of each other's presence. As the night unfolded its peaceful embrace, their chatter gradually faded into the realm of dreams, two hearts finding solace in the gentle rhythm of their shared slumber.

Time moved forward, carrying y/n away from the haunting shadows of the past. The initial weeks were shrouded in the aftermath of the alpha's terror, as nightmares clawed at her rest.

Yet, with the unwavering support of Taehyung and his loving parents, y/n gradually emerged from the clutches of her fears. The wounds of the heart began to heal, nurtured by the warmth of their care.

Taehyung's parents, once strangers, became the pillars of y/n's newfound sanctuary. She shed the title of 'aunt' and 'uncle,' embracing the tender labels of 'mom' and 'dad.' His mother's comforting hugs and father's homemade snacks became the balm for her soul.

Slowly, the nights were less burdened with tears, and days brimmed with laughter.

As two months passed,  y/n blossomed in the embrace of her newfound family, where scars turned into stories of resilience, and fear transformed into a beacon of hope.

As the alarm's persistent ring pulled y/n from slumber, she reluctantly untangled herself from the warmth of the sheets. Taehyung's soft whine tugged at her heart, his reluctance mirroring her own. Gently patting his cheeks, she coaxed, "Wake up, Mr. CEO, you'll miss your flight."

Taehyung's eyes snapped open, realization flooding in, and he hastily made his way to the bathroom. Today held a critical meeting in another city, demanding his prompt departure. Y/n chuckled softly, amused by his sudden burst of energy, and descended the stairs to prepare his breakfast.

Walking down the stairs, Taehyung's eyes settled on his wife, a warm rush of affection flooding his chest. Even in the early hours, with her hair casually bundled into a messy bun and her nightwear adorning her form, she radiated an ethereal charm that never failed to captivate him.

Morning light filtered through the windows, casting a gentle glow on her as she moved around the kitchen with graceful ease.

Y/n's gaze lifted from the food meeting Taehyung's with a soft smile. She asked him to come fast and have his breakfast . At the table, a spread awaited him – a plate full of health energizing fruits, another bearing whole-wheat toasts and eggs, and a refreshing strawberry smoothie to accompany the meal.

Without hesitation, Taehyung dug into the offerings before him, savoring each bite as it fueled him for the demanding day ahead.

As he savored the flavors his wife had meticulously crafted, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the warmth and comfort she brought into his life, even at the earliest hours of the morning.

As the designated time for his departure approached, Taehyung's secretary stood at the doorstep, ready to usher him into the busy day that awaited him.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now