Matias swallowed all of his emotions and took a deep breath.


Matias stared bullets into the table as he handed Samuel, the hero, his drink. He made the mistake of looking back up at the hero and met his eyes, unable to look away. He was stuck staring into his dark brown eyes and begging himself to look away.

"Hey uh.. Matias"

He flinched a bit hearing the man who he had known for years, as a customer and an enemy, said his name for the first time ever.

He took a few desperate deep breaths, still staring into Samuels eyes and trying to take the fearful look out of his own.

"Are you alright? Not to be rude but you look.. I don't know.. on edge?"

He spoke in a soft voice and his face softened. His eyes became more comforting rather than scary. Matias took another deep breath

"Uh yeah.. thanks" Matias replied speaking quieter than normal.

That's when it really hit him. He was right in front of Samual, and he knew that he was the hero. However, Samual had no idea he was speaking to the villain.

"Alright, well I hope you have a good day" Samuel said and started turning to leave.

"Say.." Matias spoke back in his normal tone and volume.

"I saw you limping in here, is something wrong with your leg?" He questioned the customer trying to keep from smirking and laughing in the heroes face.

Samuels face reddened and his eyes widened. He finally broke the eye contact with Matias and took a long sip of his coffee, doing his best to stall so he could think of an answer.

"Well uh, it's a long story. I sprained my ankle doing stupid stuff" He stared down at his coffee, avoiding eye contact once again.

"Right, well you'll have to tell me that story sometime. Have a good day"

Matias smiled at Samuel as Samuel spun around and tried harder than necessary to hide his limp as he walked out the door.

As much as Matias would love to repeat that encounter over and over in his head, he had to take the order of a group of teenage girls who had just walked in. Though they all whispered too each other so long between orders he probably could've done that anyway.

After Matias was off work

Matias said his goodbyes to all the workers in the shop and headed down the street. His house wasn't far from the coffee shop, just a 5 minute walk.

He changed out of the t-shirt that the shop makes the workers wear and into a looser, plain black, t-shirt. He pulled one of his hoodies out of his closet, turned it inside-out and tied it around his waist. He then grabbed his mask and hat, tucking the mask in his back pocket and his hat in the waist of his jeans.

Matias was much more casual with his look as 'the villain' than the hero was. He wore what was basically a simple black mask that a sick person would wear and would pick one of his many hats to go with it. Of course he was still safe with it though. He always messed with all his masks and hats so the masks were sturdy and clipped securely around his neck while the hats clipped to the mask, also on the back of his neck.

He would just wear some random, usually black, jeans with the classical 'villain' hoodie. Of course he also tweaked the hoodie a little, he added some inside pockets and a little padding on the inside.

It was awfully easy to create shields and protect himself with his power so he didn't worry much about fancy gear or a whole ass suit like the hero had.

After grabbing all his things, Matias left his house once again.

It was now around 4:30 p.m and Matias was just rounding the last alley side route to get to his destination.

"Hey man" Matias made his presence known and put a hand on his friends shoulder.

"The hell did I tell you bout comin' out here?! You're gonna wind up dead Mat!" The other person stood up from the folding chair they were sitting in and turned around to meet Matias' eyes.

Matias laughed a bit.

"This really isn't funny Mat. Hell I thought you might've already died yesterday when you got chased by Guzantee's men!"

"Nah those pricks were easy to lose, don't worry bout it" Matias dismissed his friends concerns.

He laughed again.

"I'm sorry man I can't take you seriously when you're like five foot three and looking up and me like that" Matias stopped trying to hold it in and bent over laughing.

"I'm five seven and you know that!" The man stood firm and slightly on his toes.

"Alright, alright, sorry dude" Matias wiped a tear from his eye.

"Anyways, I just wanted to come chill for a bit. Life has been stressin me out. That alright with you, Jamie?"

"Only if you stop callin me that ridiculous name you made up" He smirked looking upwards at his friend

"Yeah yeah, James, Jamie, what difference does it make"

"It's the difference between my foot on the ground and up your ass you prick"

James and Matias both laughed for a moment.

"Pull up a chair. Just so you know, I'm not lending you any more drugs."

Matias sat down next to James in a old lawn chair.

"That really what you think I came here for? Cant I just hang out with a friend without needing drugs?" Matias looked at James with fake puppy dog eyes.

"Dude stop that, your face isn't made for dog eyes"


They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before James' voice filled the air.

"You did come here for drugs though, didn't you?" He didn't bother looking over to Matias

"Yep" Matias said shamelessly

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, offering one to James while lighting his own.

"Dude, I'm all for it once it a while, but you've for real got an issue" He didn't bother softening his voice at all.

James finally looked over to Matias, who refused to meet his gaze.

"Alright man I've had this lecture multiple times before" Matias sighed.

He stood up, put out his cigarette, and left, going back the same way he came.


I just realized as I'm pre-writing later chapters that they're slowly getting longer and longer so expect less short chapters later on

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