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During those two weeks, Jiu and I made the most of every moment we had together. We explored the new city hand in hand, discovering its hidden gems and creating memories that would forever be etched in our hearts. We laughed, we shared deep conversations, and we revealed the simple joy of being in each other's presence.

Every night, as we lay side by side, we talked about our dreams, our hopes, and our plans for the future. We promised each other that no matter the challenges we faced, we would always find a way to be together. The distance that once seemed insurmountable now felt like a temporary obstacle that we were determined to overcome.

As the days passed, our love only grew stronger. We cherished the stolen moments, the stolen kisses, and the stolen glances. We understood the preciousness of our time together and made every second count. It wasn't always easy, as the looming end of those two weeks approached, but we held onto the belief that our love was worth fighting for.

We immersed ourselves in the simple pleasures of being in each other's company. Every stolen kiss, every stolen glance held a depth of meaning that words could not express. We treasured these stolen moments as if they were fragments of eternity, etching them into the depths of our souls.

Time seemed to pass too quickly, slipping through our fingers like grains of sand. But we refused to let the impending end overshadow the love and joy we shared. We laughed, we danced, and we held each other close, committing every detail of our time together to memory.

In those last few days, we took long walks hand in hand, savoring the beauty of the city around us. We paused to watch the sunset, its vibrant colors painting the sky as a backdrop to our love story. We shared whispered promises, making vows to nurture our love and keep it alive until we could be reunited once more.

On the final day, we woke up with heavy hearts, knowing that soon we would have to say goodbye once again. But we refused to let sadness overshadow the beautiful moments we had shared. Instead, we embraced each other tightly, finding solace in the warmth of our embrace.

"I don't want to let you go," Jiu whispered, her voice choking with emotion.

"I don't want to leave either," I replied, my voice trembling. "But remember, this is just a temporary separation. We'll be together again soon."

I held Jiu's face in my hands, gazing deeply into her eyes, trying to convey all the love and reassurance I felt in my heart. It was a difficult moment, filled with the heaviness of impending farewell, but I knew we had to find strength in our love.

"We've proven that our love can withstand any distance," I whispered, my voice filled with conviction. "These moments apart only make our reunion all the more special. And when we're together again, it will be even more magical."

Jiu nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You're right," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I believe in us, in our love. I'll hold onto that until we're in each other's arms once more."

With a mixture of sadness and hope, we embraced tightly, our bodies seeking solace in the familiar warmth of each other. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as we clung to each other, unwilling to let go.

We took a deep breath, savoring the final moments of togetherness. And as we slowly released our embrace, I planted a gentle kiss on Jiu's forehead, whispering, "Until we meet again, my love."

With one last lingering gaze, we reluctantly stepped apart, our hearts heavy with longing. But deep down, we held onto the belief that this temporary separation was just a chapter in our love story, and our paths would converge again, stronger and more united than ever before.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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