Adjusting to New Roles and Unexpected Encounters

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The car sped up as we made our way to work on our first day. It was a nerve-wracking experience, being driven later than the others in such luxurious conditions. We had already met some of the workers the day before, and I was impressed with how quickly Sua and I had fit into the group.

On one side, there were mountains and houses, while on the other, an endless blue sea stretched out. The sun cast a warm, golden sheen on the water, creating a mesmerizing sight. The wind rushed through the windows, warm and relaxing, tousling our hair and obstructing our view. Despite that, I couldn't help but feel happy. Everything was new and exciting, and the joy of experiencing it for the first time was evident on my face.

As we approached a large building that resembled a circus tent, I couldn't help but be captivated by its unique shape. It stood out in the bustling city like a bright crescent moon, creating a festive atmosphere. We had a job at this establishment, where visiting artists would put on a mind-blowing show for two months. The program consisted of a dance performance with circus elements and live music, designed to amaze tourists. Although I didn't fully understand the nature of our work yet, I knew it would become clear soon. Being inside the building after the scorching sun felt like stepping into a fairy tale.

"Phew, this climate is nice," Handong stretched out, plopping down on a bench.

"Just not used to it yet," Gahyeon replied distantly.

"No, I'll never get used to it," Handong raised her hands to the ceiling.

"Handong, the actress in you is still alive," I smiled. "You've only been here for two days. Give it a week or two, and you'll adjust."

"If I don't burn before then."

"Hello, girls," a woman approached us, somewhat unnoticed. "Nice to see you. My name is Sandara Park, and I am the direct supervisor of all employees working in this department. Now you are one of them. Let's get acquainted."

"I'm Sua, and this is Handong, Gahyeon, and Yoohyeon," the brunette introduced us.

"Hmm, I could have introduced myself," Handong shot her a not-so-friendly look.

"Not now," I whispered, pushing her hand away.

"Nice to meet you all. Follow me," Sandara said, interrupting our small argument.

"Well, I don't know if someone has already informed you, but if they have, I'll repeat it. Everyone here will be involved in selling. There will be several trading points on the premises, and our task is to sell as many goods as possible to the people attending the concert. It's a simple and straightforward job. This is the production facility where we'll handle all the internal work. The show opens today, which means you will start working today too."

"How is that possible?" I exclaimed, immediately covering my mouth with my hand. That was not the right way to talk to management. With one phrase, I revealed my weakness and indecisiveness.

"Do you have a problem with that?" a familiar voice said. "Jiu? No, I don't think so," I replied, realizing it was Jiu.

"Oh yes, it's her."

"And this is Jiu," Sandara confirmed. "I said I am your boss, but not really. I won't be here often, but Jiu will be your supervisor. I hope you won't cause any inconvenience."

"Oh, come on, we are angels," Sua said, extending her hand.

"Okay, then I'll leave them to you, Jiu. There's still a lot to check," Sandara said, already walking away.

"Yes, of course, go ahead," Jiu replied, turning to us.

"So, what?" I asked.

"Nothing, really nothing, if you don't think about the fact that I know you, Yoohyeon. Oh yes, yesterday's incident is impossible to forget," she smirked, seemingly making that kind of smile her trademark. "But I don't know the others."

The summer when I met youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz