Just Madness

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"So, are you going?" Sua grabbed me by the elbow.

"I have to wash the trash cans, did you forget?" I sighed.

"She was just joking. Go talk to her."

"No way, I'm not going to do that. I don't want to seem weak."

"How will you get there later?" Sua worried.

"Fine, I'll call a taxi. I always have money with me just in case."

"Come on, Yoohyeon, let's go talk to her."

"No, and that's final," I said firmly. I was ready to spend my last money on a taxi, but I wouldn't go to her to sort out our relationship. "She said she won't change her mind if she gave her word."

"Damn it, I'll talk to her myself. Do you know the taxi number?"

"No need to talk to anyone. Yes, I got it from the guard." Sua looked at me suspiciously.

"Why do you need it?"

"What? I just have to clean the trash cans," I pretended to be foolish.

"Okay, let it be," muttered my friend, heading towards the door.

I put on gloves and went to get the bins. The car is unlikely to wait for me for a hundred years. I scooped out the garbage from the bins and packed them into one. It's just easier to take one bin down to the first floor than five. We left the garbage downstairs, and the special services picked it up in the morning.

"Mission impossible," I muttered, trying to compress the garbage as hard as possible. This process was so "exciting" that I completely immersed myself in it, not noticing anything around me. "Come on, a little more," I said with a victorious smirk on my lips. Of course, soon I would stuff the contents of the last bag, and everything would be fine.

"Missing real communication?" a familiar voice said, almost painfully. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't have time to analyze anything, but my body did great. I jerked to the side, not letting go of the bin handle. Then my foot started to slip, and I screamed as I fell down. And now I was lying like a princess on the polished floor, covered in garbage that spilled out of the container. I heard laughter. She's still laughing! And yet, what a beautiful, ringing laugh she has."

"Help me better," I smiled, unable to resist when I see her like this.

"Give me your hand," she says through laughter and extends her palm.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I lift people's spirits. What's wrong with that?"

"No, not for that, just forgive me," I look at Jiu, there's no longer a smile or mischief in her eyes. "Do I have the right to be offended?"

"Yooh, I'm just like that, you know. Intolerant, explosive. I don't know how to calm down. I do this because I can't do it any other way. That's just my character. It's already formed. You can't change me," Jiu said, lowering her gaze. "And it's really hard for me because I rarely talk to anyone about it."

I perfectly understand how valuable it is to hear such words from Jiu. I look at her and realize how much this person means to me.

"I'm not really upset. We're all different, and we all have the right to emotions."


"Okay, why did you come?" I ask.

"Actually, to help," she looked at me as if I had asked about a well-known truth. "Honestly, I said it impulsively and didn't think you would go to do such a stupid task."

The summer when I met youKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat