Finding Comfort by the Sea

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It's good to stretch out on the bench; I can still take ten minutes to nap. I only slept for an hour last night, and after considering various options, I came to the only right one: ignore it, and it always works. But Jiu herself isn't particularly eager to communicate with me, so there won't be any problems with that. The main problem is me.

"Maybe you want me to turn off the lights too?" came a displeased voice.

"It would be nice," I dreamily murmured, still not fully aware of what was happening.

"What?" It hit me like a shock. Idiot, as always in her repertoire.

"Oh, sorry," I jumped up from the bench.

"You have to clean the place," Jiu continued, annoyed. Yes, now we have to clean the places too. Horror in general.

"I know." Why do all stupid situations happen to me in front of her? Although no, my whole life consists of ridiculous stories.

"What were you doing last night that you're sleeping now?"

"I was thinking about you."

"Mmm, even like this..." the girl said, sitting down next to me.

I said that out loud. This is the end. Should I get up and run? What else can I do? What should I say? Nightmare!

"That was sarcasm," I carefully averted my gaze. Several minutes of silence. Her breathing.

"Too bad," Jiu suddenly says, her voice laced with disappointment. "I would have liked to know that I'm in your thoughts," she whispers. My heart skips a beat as Jiu's words reach my ears, and a surge of emotions wells up within me. The vulnerability in her voice tugs at something deep within my being. I turn to face her, my eyes searching for hers.

But before I can respond, she abruptly sits up, clapping her hands together. In an instant, the lights flicker off, enveloping us in darkness. I hear the distinct sound of her heels echoing through the room as she swiftly makes her way towards the door. The door slams shut, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I sit still without moving. What was that? My heart is pounding like crazy. I put my hand on my chest. Calm down, Yoohyeon. Calm down. Everything is fine. And this is how I try to ignore it. What am I doing? I need to focus on other things. Enough!

"What enough?" Sua shows up at the door. What kind of attack is this today? "Why are you in the dark?" She adjusts her glasses and tucks a strand of red hair behind her ear.

"Oh, I just decided to take a little break," I replied.

"Are you feeling okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, why doesn't it look like it?" I joke.

"Well, not really. By the way, it's not a good idea to take a break like this. If our beloved administrator sees it, believe me, there will be trouble."

"I already saw her," I say.

"And?" Sua asks.

"She allowed me to take a nap for a couple of hours and even promised to bring a pillow," I joke. 

"Are you serious?" she asks.

"No, I'm kidding. You should have seen yourself," I laugh.

"Well, anyone could have done the same thing, but not our boss," Sua says with relief.

"Yeah, boss," I whisper thoughtfully.

Today, I finally had a free minute, so I went to see the concert. Some have already seen bits of it more than once, but that's not my case.

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