1. Meeting for the first time

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Keira's POV:
I walked into the training ground for Manchester City Women with my head held high. I was excited to finally be in the senior side for my club. I was immediately met at the door by Nick Cushing and Georgia Stanway. Georgia had signed at the same time as me and we had grown quite close during our time with the youth age groups at Blackburn Rovers and Manchester City.

"Welcome Keira, nice to see you again", Nick said with a smile across his face. I quite liked Nick. He was respectful and believed in me and my talent since he first saw me play.
"Thank you Nick, it's nice to finally have signed I can't wait to get going." I said.
"Its nice to have you Keira, I can tell you are going to fit in well with the girls" says Nick
"Hi Kei", Georgia says having finally notice I was here.
"Hey G, how are you?" I say
"Good thanks kei excited to get started" Georgia replys.
"Well let's get started then ladies" Nick replies, "So first up you will need to change into some training kit that we have laid out in the changing rooms ready, then we will get your testing done and sign your contracts and if all goes to plan we will have you meeting the squad just before lunch so you can get to know them a bit and then we have training this afternoon out on the pitches" he says as he leads us through a corridor.

We stop just before a short hallway that has all of Manchester City's new stars across in a beautiful mural. I immediately recognised some major players such as Steph Houghton (who I had met multiple times), Lucy Bronze, Jill Scott and Karen Bardsley.

Nick pulled me out of my trance by saying, "your training kit is in the room at the bottom of the corridor, please get changed into it and then meet me in the medical rooms"

Me and Georgia both thank him and head down the corridor to the changing room. When we enter we find to sets of kit laid out for us in seats right next to each others. As I look up I seen my name and new number just above my head, 24.Walsh it was perfect. I had never really held onto a number as other players had but 24 felt right for this fresh start.

Me and Georgia didn't say anything to each other as got dressed we were both too excited to get any words out. After changing we headed out the changing room and back down the corridor until we got to a door which had medical room above it. We enter the room after knocking to find Nick and two of the team doctors in the room.

"Hello again Keira and Georgia, you are each going to go with one of the doctors to complete all of you physical and medical tests after that we will meet back here and I will introduce you to the girls" says Nick. We both nod at him.

We each go off with a doctor, I had a lovely woman called Fran she has short blonde hair and some really cool tattoos. Time flies by as I complete blood tests, blood pressure, height and weight, I was also talking to fran about home life and her three kids. We then enter the gym and I notice a brunette hanging upside down on one of the pull up bars, except it had been lowered so she was easily able to hold herself upside down with out hitting the ceiling. She was also in a Manchester City training kit so I assumed she was a player but I couldn't see her face. She had muscular legs and her abs were on display to everyone in the gym as her shirt had fallen down slightly as she was upside down.

I am pulled out of my trance when I heard Fran speak, "Lucy Bronze haven't I warned you about doing that you are going to get one of the physios or me fired", she says whilst laughing. Immediately the girls gets off the bar and comes over to me and Fran.

"I know Fran I'm sorry it's just too fun not to do and I didn't think anyone was going to be here yet", Lucy says.
"Yeh some academy players are signing professional contracts today to we are taking them through all of their physical test now before lunch" says Fran.
Lucy then turns to me and says "Hi I'm Lucy Bronze".
"Yeh I know your a phenomenal player, I'm Keira Walsh it's lovely to meet you" I say.
Lucy turns to Fran and says "you been telling her about me"
Fran says "no do you want me to tell her the stories I have".
Lucy blushes and says "no" clearly embarrassed, she turns to me finally and says "it lovely to meet you as well, don't let anything embarrassing happen to you whilst your around Fran she will never forget it".
I chuckle and she walks out waving at us.
Fran says "anyways shall we get going we don't have too long now before lunch". I nod in agreement.

We quickly finish up all of the tests in the gym and she tells me everything is all good and to head back to the medical room where we find Nick, Georgia and the other doctor waiting for us. Nick and Georgia were engaged in conversation whilst the doctor was tying up something on the computer.

Nick notices mine and Frans arrival.
"How did everything go?" He asks Fran.
"She passed with flying colours" She replies.
"Perfect, shall we get going then I can introduce you to the squad?" says Nick.
Me and Georgia nod in agreement.

He leads us down the corridor back towards the entrance. Once we get to the entrance we head towards some double doors and go through them. As we go through them I heard the noise of chatter getting louder and louder. We enter a canteen that was filled with the women's team players and all of their staff. As they see Nick enter they quieten down a bit. We carry on follow Nick into the room further so they can all see us. I stand next to Georgia and she turns to look at me shocked at the players that were in front of us. So was I.

"Hello everyone as you all know we have two new signings joining us from the academy on permanent contracts they will be joining in with training later today and I would like you to make them both feel welcome", he says. He turns to me and Georgia and says, "after training come up to my office with me and I will introduce you to your new housemates properly". We nod at him and he leaves.

As we turn to look back at the room Nick had just left we saw two players walk towards us. I recognise them immediately as our new captain and our No.1. Karen Bardsley and Steph Houghton.

"Hey girls, it's lovely to see you again you ready to meet everyone?" Steph says enthusiastically.
Me and Georgia nod in reply. She points to each player and introduces them to us. I recognise most of them as some of my idols since joining the academy. The last person she points at I recognise for a different reason. I recognise her as the woman from the gym earlier. My mind immediately flickers back to that image and I'm stuck to the spot.

Georgia pulls me out of my trance though, "hey kei, you ok?"
"Yeh I'm good g, do you want to go and grab some lunch", I say diverting my attention back to the brunette in front of me instead of the one across the room.
"Yeh sounds good kei" say Georgia
"Once you have grabbed your food come and sit on mine and stephs table girls" the keeper says.
"That sounds good thank you Karen" I say.
"Call me KB kid Karen makes me feel old" she replies laughing.
"But you are though" Steph says.KB turns to her shocked as they walk off.

Me and Georgia walk to the buffet and grab our food it was rice, chicken and vegetables today. As we walk to Steph and KBs table only then do I realise who I am sitting with. They were sat on a table with Lucy and Jen Beattie who I was yet to speak to but she seemed to be making the whole table laugh. As I looked at where the free seats were there was only one left next to Lucy as Georgia had sat down next to Steph.

As I sat down next to Lucy she turned and smiled at me. We all quickly began talking about the training session upcoming and I was getting more and more excited. Lunch flew by quickly and plenty off laughs were left at that table. We all headed to changing room to grab our boots ready for training.

Lucy Bronze & Keira Walsh Where stories live. Discover now