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*Vera Knightly*

"Bellisima. [beautiful] You need to punch harder." Zane groans. "I am punching you hard!" I shout, crossing my arms, however instead of responding, he glared at me, letting out a deep breath. "What?" I spat.

He smirked at me, not saying a thing. I huff, and I walk to the side, to grab my water bottle, taking a sip from it. I wasn't actually thirsty. I just wanted a reason to step away. I need to keep my cool.

We practiced for another forty-five minutes and then we headed inside to shower and eat some lunch.

(Time skip)

I walk done the stairs and am greeted with Scar and Apollo, being held by Andreas. "Hello Vera!" He laughs, pulling the two fogs back by their lead, to stop them from rushing up to me. "Hello Andreas." I smile. 

I look down at the two black dogs, petting each dog, at the same time. "Hello boys." I plant a kiss on both their heads and then stand back up. "Where's Bianca?" I say with furrowed brows. Andreas stares down at me, "she's not feeling great today." Andreas sighs. "Oh."

"Here. Another letter came for you." He says, handing me the envelope. I frown, and take the envelope in my hand, taking a deep breath, trying to stay calm. How many more is he going to send me?

"Thank you." I say walking away.

I walk into the kitchen, hearing an angry voice, which I recognised immediately. It was Antonio.
"You fucking fool!" He shouts. I frown, continuing into the kitchen, seeing Tony looking down, with his hands cupped in one another, being scolded.

"What happened?" I ask softly. Tony looks up when he hears my voice, and gave me a small smile. "None of your fucking business! You stupid bitch!" Antonio seethed. I huff, keeping calm. I don't really want him to you know touch me again. I'm still learning the basics of self defence!

"What happened?" I repeat. Antonio looks up at me, "if you really want to know. This fucking bastard dropped a plate." I stand still glaring at Antonio, trying to hold on my laugh. Is he serious?

"So why are you shouting, as if he had just murdered someone?" I say shaking my head. Antonio narrows his eyes. Okay maybe that wasn't the best thing to compare it too. He probably sees dead bodies on a day to day basis.

"What did you just say to me?" Antonio grits. Tony has a worried expression on his face, but I give him a reassuring smile. "You heard me the first time. It's not like you can't buy another one." I say now in a much more serious tone.

"No Vera. Please. It's okay!" Tony says smiling at me. "Why the fuck are you defending this prick?" Antonio shouts. I flinch a little, and as he takes a step forward I take a step back. I feel my back press against something hard, and I clear my throat. "Well-" I start, but I'm cut of by a voice right behind me.

"Antonio. What did I tell you about speaking to my wife like that." Zane seethed. Theres that word again. 'My wife' I gulp. And I turn my head slowly, seeing that what I had bumped into wasn't actually a wall, but instead Zane's chest. Oops.

"That's no way for you to speak to your father, Zane!" Antonio says angrily. "Get lost, Before I fucking blow your head off." Zane says, as if it weee the most casual thing ever. Antonio, admits his defeat and turns himself around with a loud ass huff, and walks out the kitchen. "Vera. You didn't have to do that, but thank you!" Tony said, thankfully. I smile, nodding my head, as he walks out the room, to find a broom.

Just then my eyes widen, realising how close we were. My heart started racing, and I felt my legs clench together. I could hear him chuckle from above me. As I try to step forward, and pull away from him, Zane grips my waist and pulls me closer, twisting me at the same time, so that I was now facing him.

My chest is in contact with him, and I'm now forced to look up at him. I clear my throat, my thighs still clenching unintentionally. "Bellisima. If he ever talks to you like that again, you tell me." He says, going back to his cold self again. I just stare blankly, lost for words. "Bellisima [beautiful]? Do you understand?" He groans.

I nod my head, "yes." But it comes out as more of a whisper. He smirks at me and then runs the back of my head, in a downward motion and extremely gently. We stayed like that for a couple more minutes.

He's been a lot more... touchy, since we've started sleeping in the same bed together again. Yeah, he'd touch me before as-well, but even last night when we were sleeping. He wouldn't let go. I woke up, with him still having his arms around my tightly, not letting me move an inch. But the thing is, I didn't hate it. I don't know what I was thinking. It was wrong. I didn't love him. And he didn't love me. It's purely an arranged marriage. But why didn't I pull away? Why didn't he pull away? I couldn't help my, close my eyes as he stroked my hair, softly. He's been a lot more... touchy, since we've started sleeping in the same bed together.

"Zane?" I whisper.

"Mhm." He hums.

"What are we doing?" I ask, still in a very quiet and soft tone. "I don't know Bellisima [beautiful] ." He coos. I couldn't help my smile against his chest, for a moment, but soon enough I plant my hands on his chest and push away gently.

"Thank you." I say, pressing my lips together. He glares down at me, and the whole atmosphere around us had gone back to its normal self. Cold. Angry. "For what?" He asked.

"For stepping in. Although, you didn't have to threaten him!" I say, now being the own that's scolding him. He glares at me, and I laugh.

I walk away from him and, into the living room to read the letter in peace.

I look around, to make sure no one was around. And then my eyes land back on the letter. I huff, a little afraid of what was going to be written on it this time. I gently rip open the top of the envelope, and take a deep breath before taking the small piece of paper out after.

'Once I kill that little boyfriend of yours, you'll be mine Forever.'

I can feel my eyes bulge, and I immediately shut the note, with an uneasy feeling settling over me.


What do I do?

Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed!

-Fiersteary :)

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